A Chronological Study of Paul's Ministry

Dennis McCallum
Chronology is the study of the sequence of events in a historical text, and the comparison of those events with other known events from other sources. The Bible is a historical document, and part of assessing the value of any historical narrative is the study of Chronology. When events in the Bible line up with known dates confirmed outside the Bible, it suggests a high level of reliability in the biblical text. Also, some areas of doctrine are based on chronological assertions, as we shall see in the case of Gal. 2. This outline explains (in shortened form) how scholars date the events in the ministry of Paul. A more complete study of this process is available from Jack Finnegan, A Handbook of Biblical Chronology.

Chronological Study of the Life of Christ

Dennis McCallum
A chronological look at the life and ministry of Christ including his birth, start of his ministry, duration of his ministry and timeline of his death.

Matthew's Use of the Old Testament: A Preliminary Analysis

Lee Campbell Ph.D.
Some contemporary evangelical scholars suggest that Matthew's use of the Old Testament is likened to the way rabbis of that period used it.[1] For example, the Qumran community contemporized the Old Testament (a.k.a. pesher) by holding that Old Testament scriptures were predictive of their own situation. Many modern scholars would argue that Matthew also interprets the Old Testament using pesher when, for example, he applies Hosea 11:1 to Christ's sojourn in Egypt. If it is true that New Testament authors interpreted the Old Testament this way, then it is a little unsettling. The most pressing concern is that pesher, peshat and many later misrash techniques are fundamentally eisegetical. That is, these hermeneutical approaches are hostile to the notion of objective interpretation. If this is the case, then it brings into question the legitimacy of many critical NT uses of the OT. Ultimately, if NT authors did use rabbinical hermeneutics, then one must question the very authority of the New Testament in critical matters of faith.

New Testament Endtimes Prophecy Chart

Dennis McCallum
Pastor Dennis McCallum catalogs key end times prophecies from the New Testament.

New Testament Principles of Church Finance

Dennis McCallum
A review of New Testament passages on how the church should use its money, how it should handle its money and how it should go about collecting money.

Paul's Usage of ta stoicheia tou kosmou

Gary DeLashmutt
The purpose of this paper is to examine the meaning of the phrase ta stoicheia tou kosmou ("the elementary principles of the world") as it is used by Paul in Galatians 4:3,9 and Colossions 2:8,20. First, I will conduct a brief examination of the non-biblical and biblical usage of stoicheion ("elementary principles"). Next, I will analyze the three traditional interpretations of the phrase. Finally, I will adopt and apply one of those interpretations.

Principles Involved in Harmonizing the Synoptic Gospels

Dennis McCallum and Gary DeLashmutt
These 5 principles are the most common principles involved in harmonization, but some harmonization issues involve other, less common principles.

Sejanus and the Chronology of Christ's Death

Gary DeLashmutt
Lucius Aelius Sejanus' bearing on church history is not immediately apparent to the church historian. He is well known among Roman historians as the man who almost succeeded in overthrowing Tiberius Caesar. However, his relationship with Pontius Pilate has an important influence on what year one dates the death of Jesus. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of Sejanus' life, to examine his relationship with Pilate, and finally to understand the impact of this information on the date of Jesus' death.

Simplified Inductive Book Study Questions

Gary DeLashmutt
This paper provides some questions to help guide your inductive study of various books of the Bible.

The Mystery Hidden for Ages Past

Dennis McCallum
Any careful reader of Old Testament messianic prophecy quickly becomes aware of the two portraits of Messiah found there. On the one hand, we have the picture of the reigning Messiah, who banishes his enemies and lives forever. On the other hand, we have the portrait of the suffering servant. This one "has no stately form or majesty," lives in obscurity, is rejected by the people, and dies badly. But his death is redemptive like a guilt offering, and he is raised from the dead to lead many to God and to glory. Christians are well aware that these two portraits correspond to the two comings of Christ: the first to suffer and atone for sin, and the second to reclaim the world for God and banish evil. Regardless of our millennial views, these two comings satisfy the Old Testament predictions in a very similar way.