The Source of Love

Jeff Gordon
John 14:1-20

Jesus leads his followers from anxiety and angst, to peace of mind and heart if we trust and believe in him through the Holy Spirit. This is the promised living water to which Jesus had been referring. The Holy Spirit would enter his disciples after he ascended to heaven and be their advocate and comforter. The Holy Spirit provides believers with: 1) assurance of our relationship with God, 2) confidence that our eternity is secure in heaven, 3) revelation about God's Word, 4) personal insight into God's Will, and 5) the empowering to do what God leads us to do.

I Am the Bread of Life

Jeff Gordon
John 6:30-71

Jesus claims he is the bread of life and whoever believes in him will never hunger or thirst again. He miraculously feeds a crowd of more than five thousand by using his disciples' availability rather than their ability. Though they were tired and challenged by the task, the disciples had twelve baskets of food left over for themselves after distributing food to the crowd. Jesus meets their needs as they follow him. After being challenged to seek eternal life through Jesus rather than seek temporal food for a meal, some people desert him and others follow. What response will you have?

Faithfulness in Multiplication Ministry

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 4:1-2

Faithfulness in multiplication ministry is accomplished through four means: 1) regular strengthening by God's Word; 2) peer friendships; 3) appreciating your ministry role as a privilege of God's grace; 4) build a biblically-informed focus on your eternal destination. These four things need prioritized or they will not happen. Multiplication is difficult work that takes a long time. Cultivating these will ensure faithfulness to God's call in our lives.\r\n

Resurrected Bodies

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 15:35-58

God is capable of creating and giving people new bodies. In Paul's first letter to the Corinthians we see what these new bodies will be like for those who have put their faith in Christ. We know that our earthly bodies: perish, have dishonor, weaknesses, and are naturally made for this earth. Whereas, heavenly bodies will be: imperishable, radiate God's glory, have power, and will be spiritually capable of living in God's presence.

Growth, Persecution, and Judgment

Dennis McCallum
2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

God has given us the ability to take steps to grow in faith and love. Believers face persecution, which leads to growth. Without belief, people face the prospect of Hell, which is the absence of God.

Living with Hope

Scott Risley
1 Corinthians 15:51-53

Paul clarifies his teaching about the afterlife since it seemed like the Thessalonians misunderstood him. He helps them see the reality of eternity and what they can look forward to. With this in view, Paul encourages them to live with purpose in this life rather than wasting time on empty pursuits.

What Does The Future Hold?

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11

For many people, the thought of death provokes fear, depression, and despair. For people who have started a personal relationship with God though, death leads to an eternity with God in heaven, and as a result life on Earth is no longer relatively or existentially meaningless. Besides the promise of eternal life, God has also given Christians various prophetic signs to indicate that the end of human history is near, and understanding these signs motivates believers to live a sober and committed life for God until that day arrives.

Spiritual Goals, Discipline and Reward

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 4:5-16

All people make goals, whether they realize it or not. Christians can participate in God's ultimate goal of reconciling people to Himself by setting spiritual goals within God's Will by using the gifts and talents He's given us. God also rewards Christians who participate in His plan: they hear from God; live a full, purposed life; and will experience the joy of sharing in God's family of believers in heaven.

Jesus on Life Motivation

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 6:19-34

Jesus teaches on what really motivates us in this life. There are two masters that people can serve, God or money. Jesus specifically speaks to living our lives for eternal things, rather than the temporary material things of this world. With a lifestyle of materialism comes heart-level issues between us and God and anxiety. Conversely, Jesus offers instruction to his audience to put God as the first priority to seek after and trust Him entirely, as His values and His guidance will give our lives true meaning and purpose that will carry on to eternity.