A Tale of Two Temples

James Rochford
John 2:12-25

 Jesus felt anger at the religious leaders who were taking advantage of the people coming to worship God at the temple.  This story of Jesus cleansing the temple of the money changers can bring comfort to anyone who has ever been hurt by someone in the church.  Jesus feels anger toward anyone who hurts another person.

Cleansing the Temple

Brian Adams
John 2:13-25

The Temple was where God dwelled and where He met with man.  Jesus is the fulfillment of the purpose of the Temple.  Jesus is the union of the divine with the human.  Through Jesus, we can meet God personally.

Conflict and Identity

Liz Sweet
John 2:13-25

We all experience conflict. We will focus on how God can use conflict in our lives as an opportunity to deepen our understanding of our identity in Him.

Becoming Peacemakers

Ken Sande
John 2:13-25

The God Who Stands on Trial

James Rochford
Exodus 15:22-17:6

As God leads the Israelites through the desert, they they become thirsty, so God tests them. They fail! They put God on trial and brings accusations against Him. Yet, He responds by pouring out water from a rock to quench their thirst.

Putting On the New Self Pt2

Scott Risley
Ephesians 4:26-32

When you become a follower of Jesus, and are laying aside your old self and putting on your new self, you need to take actions that fit the new you. Three areas of applications are learning to resolve conflict, learning to control your tongue and learning to forgive.

Exchanging the Old Self for the New Pt2

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:29-32

Exchanging the old self for the new self first involves having peace with God. As a new Christian, you have laid aside the old self and the new self has been put on. This is the work of God. Now, you live out this new reality by recognizing this truth. With this new identify, peace with others is God's will for you. Commit to getting guidance needed to resolve conflict or resentment.

Exchanging the Old Self for the New Self

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:21-28

If you are forgiven in Jesus, you have a new birth, a new identity. This new birth means you have to believe and live in that identity. Believing and living in this new identity releases God's power to transform your mind which leads to living a life of love.

Counter Cultural Community in the Age of Rage

Ed Stetzer
Colossians 3:12-17

In an increasingly angry and hostile world, Christians can have the opportunity to shine brightly in contrast. Maturity of faith is evidenced by how you love others. Colossians 3 gives a road map to loving others well: Look like Christ, forebear and forgive, lead with love and be thankful.