Gospel and Resurrection

Jim Leffel
Mark 16:1-8

The resurrection stands as proof that the cross was sufficient. There are several very good reasons to believe that the cross was a real historical event, including eyewitness accounts and their personal testimonies. The message of the resurrection was so controversial that people would have only accepted it if they knew it to be true. Ultimately, the cross proves and demonstrates God's character and the hope of a future resurrection.

General Revelation (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Romans 1:18-20

Despite the existence of an all-powerful, all-good God, evil still exists in this world. Every worldview has to account for the problem of evil; it is not only a problem for Christians. Looking at atheism, pantheism, animism, and biblical theism, we see that only biblical theism has an answer.

Lessons on Faith

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 4:2-10

Biblical faith is founded on the assurance that God finely-tuned the universe at His command. Walking by faith includes remembering God's desire for the heart rather than outward works, as evidenced by the story of Cain and Abel. This account reveals Abel's humble dependence contrasted with Cain's works mentality before God. Developing a humble trust and responsiveness to God's calling is essential in the life of faith.

Gospel and Postmodern Culture (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
1 Peter 3:15-16

Part two of a four-part series on how the Gospel can impact postmodern culture. As we live out the Gospel, we need to have honest, compassionate and respectful answers for peoples' honest questions. Compelling arguments are given for how to dialogue with people regarding: 1) the exclusive claims of the Bible; 2) the issue of people having sincere beliefs but on different paths; and 3) the problem of those who have never heard the Gospel. A powerful video testimony by Gary Saalman, a lawyer who examined the evidence for the faith and became a Christian, is shown.\r\n

Why the Gospel (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Romans 1:16-32

All of humanity is intuitively aware of our moral guilt before God and can understand God through what has been made observable. Despite this, humanity has thrown God's direction and pursued gratifying our own agendas and pleasures. God allows for us to pursue our own course of action, but makes it possible to reconcile our relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. The gospel is the logical conclusion when we understand how far we fall short of God and are incapable of resolving the moral guilt we have because of our actions. This teaching includes a movie clip describing the complexity of life.

What is Faith?

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 11:1

Many would define faith as believing in something regardless of the truth. However, the Bible defines faith as a confident assurance in our hope. Because of the strong evidence that the Bible is revelation from God, we can be sure that God has spoken. It is left for us to act on faith, in light of the things that we know but cannot see.

History or Propaganda? - The Gospels

Jeff Gordon
Hebrews 11:1

The historical reliability of the gospel narratives is shown using the bibliographic test. This tests the dating and transmission of a text to see if it is an accurate representation of what the original author wrote. To assess its reliability, the Bible is compared to other historical documents and archaeology. The question of who is ultimately responsible for Jesus' death is also addressed.

The Implications of Creation

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 1:26-27

The creation presented in Genesis 1 has some implications, including that humans are created in the image of God. This means life has meaning, morality, dignity, freedom, and spirituality. If we believe that humans are meaningful, significant, free, and moral beings, we have to admit that this is incompatible without intelligent design.

The Creation Narrative

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 1

Genesis 1 describes the creation of Earth. After walking through several theories and problems related to the origin of life, this teaching focuses on the progressive creation that Genesis puts forth. Learn about varying theories involved in creation and how the Bible harmonizes with the findings of modern science.