Suffering - Pastoral Care or Apologetics?

Pat Reeder
1 Peter 3:15

Unfortunately some of us have been perpetrators or victims of apologetics used during sensitive and difficult times that are cringe-worthy. How do we balance providing truth and biblical answers in times of suffering with being a caring and sensitive friend? This workshop helps practically break down scenarios and address appropriate responses to others' suffering based on timing and relationship, amongst other factors. As we learn some practical steps in both pastoral cases and apologetical cases, we become better equipped to provide thoughtful responses to others around us.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - The Use and Misuse of Presuppositions in Apologetics

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 3:15

There are several main types of apologetics, including classical, evidential and presuppositional. While presuppositional apologetics can be good, there are many bad examples as well. A good example of a presuppositional apologetic would be one in which there is internal consistency, where one matches his or her conclusions with the presupposition, and where one can show inconsistency between non-Christian assumptions and desired conclusions. If this occurs, we can show friends the need for a different starting point, a different underlying and foundational belief. As we examine bad examples alongside the good, we can better use this type of apologetic in our own lives.

Interlocking - An Overlooked Evidence for the Historical Reliabilty of the New Testament

James Rochford
1 Peter 3:15

James Rochford delivers an XSI breakout on the authenticity and reliability of the New Testament text. Our evidence lies in the following categories: 1) Timeframe, 2) Transmission, 3) Texts, 4) Trivial details, and 5) Testimonies. Focusing on the four gospel accounts, Rochford presents an argument for validity through understanding how passages in the gospels "interlock" with each other, ultimately showing that multiple authors viewed the same events.

Jesus: Just Another Messianic Pretender or True Messiah?

Eric Chabot
1 Peter 3:15

Eric Chabot delivers an XSI breakout on understanding the depth and breadth of the claim that Jesus is the Messiah. Chabot does this through examining scripture, prophetic passages, and a variety of arguments from other religions and world views. \r\n

Evangelism Insights from Francis Schaeffer

Josh Benadum
Romans 10:14

Francis Schaeffer, a nineteenth century, prominent theologian, provides several key insights into faithful and biblical evangelism that is transcendent across culture and time. Schaeffer was convinced that we must become preoccupied with reaching the people of our current generation. We should not settle for a superficial knowledge of secular ideology, and we should hold loosely to language or methods that may be barriers to the gospel. While we want to adorn the gospel with authentic Christian love and community, we never want to compromise the truth as we do so. Finally, we can have confidence to point every individual toward a God who is truly there.

Teaching Apologetics to Teens

Brad DuFault
John 15:5

While there are barriers to teaching apologetics to teenagers, there are also several important benefits. Apologetics can help lead non-believing teens to Christ, and students who are believers can begin to develop a confident faith. In order to teach them effectively, however, we should pray for God's help and involvement and seek ways to connect with the students. Through accommodating for students' understanding and encouraging participation, we can communicate the content in a way that is clear and impactful.

The Judgements of God and Why They Matter

Gary DeLashmutt
John 15:5

In this session Gary DeLashmutt covers the topic of God's judgement, expounding on four different theses. 1) God does judge, 2) God's judgement is consistent with His love, 3) God judges in various ways, and 4) Deep convictions about God's judgement enable us to live for effectively him.

Sensing Your Soul

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 5:1-10

The existence and personal experience of our soul is readily available evidence that we have a personal, creator God. After defining the soul, we can begin to assess arguments for and against the existence of the soul. This presentation examines several key lines of evidence, including high order consciousness, near death experiences, indications of free week, as well as discrediting parts of the no-soul view. The existence of the soul is overwhelming, and it leads us to the logical conclusion that there must be a supernatural God.

Does Science Contradict Christianity?

Kate Mizelle
Jeremiah 33:25

Many critics of Christianity align science and Christianity against each other in the fighting ring. But is this a proper debate? This workshop addresses two major questions. First, can we believe in both science and God? And two, where does the evidence lead? As we explore the evidence in our physical world, we see that belief in science and God are not two mutually exclusive areas. In fact, science helps defend the Christian faith, and the Christian faith helps propel science.