What If There's No Heaven?

James Rochford
Matthew 6:19

Without the existence of heaven, the question of significance stands without resolution. This workshop explores the implications on life here on earth if there truly is no afterlife or heaven as many people believe. On the other hand, for Christians who do choose to set their perspective onto heaven, they can act in this life in a way that provides objective meaning and purpose.

If There is No Resurrection

Jim Leffel
Ecclesiastes 3:11

The resurrection of Jesus Christ was the most important event in human history. The reality is that all people will make a choice about this fact. Paul makes it clear in his letter to the Corinthians that the existence of God and His resurrection is the one and only thing that prevents the human soul from collapsing into despair. For the believer in Christ, hope is the anchor for the soul that gives us assurance and endurance in this life.

Predictive Prophecy in Evangelism

James Rochford
Ecclesiastes 3:11

One of the apologetics supplied by the Bible, predictive prophecy, can add credibility to an evangelistic conversation. Study several of the major prophecies and learn about how to use predictive prophecy effectively, including: 1) make conservative claims; 2) do not say "Jesus fulfilled 300 prophecies!"; 3) remember to show what else the Bible says; and 4) read, study, and practice.

Sharing the Message of Jesus with Jewish People (Part 1)

Eric Chabot
Ecclesiastes 3:11

The New Testament lays out a picture of missions to reach all people groups, this includes Jewish people. To reach Jewish people you must understand their history, modern beliefs and practices. One thing that identifies all Jewish people is their non-belief in Jesus. Like all people who come into faith it is because they're open to seek and respond to God.

The Case for Christ

Lee Strobel
Ecclesiastes 3:11

The evidence to the question, ?Did Jesus return from the dead?? is summarized and points to: 1) an execution ? Jesus was dead, 2) early accounts recorded immediately after the event, 3) an empty tomb, and 4) eyewitness reports in 9 ancient sources. Those who do not yet believe Jesus returned from the dead owe it to themselves to examine the evidence.

The Uniqueness of Christ

Jim Leffel
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Jesus made a unique claim that he was God in human form. He also claimed he was the Messiah, son of God who would save the world. The possibilities of who Jesus was include: 1) self-deceived or mentally ill, 2) a liar and conspirator, 3) a legend, or 4) the promised savior of humanity. The evidence is the critical variable in determining who he was.

The Resurrection

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 15:14-19

The resurrection of Christ is foundational to our faith. It is the final authority of Christ's plan to forgive the sins of humanity. The apostle Paul says if the resurrection didn't occur, our faith is useless. The eye witness accounts to Jesus' resurrection, the presence of women, and historical references are all examples of evidence for the resurrection. There are many proposed alternate explanations for the resurrection; each one is found to be inadequate. Christ has risen and is worthy of our faith.

Being a Winsome Apologist

John Lennox
1 Corinthians 15:14-19

Christians should always be ready to give a defense for their faith. This defense is a personal, two-way conversation where the apologist needs to be engaging and asking questions. Some helpful practices are to try dropping God into the conversation; don't act like you know more than you do; be sensitive; and be willing to learn, be challenged, and challenge yourself as you go.

Testing World Views

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 15:14-19

World views, or the belief systems people hold about the world and humanity, can be vastly diverse. As believers in Christ and seekers of truth, we are called to test world views and help walk others through this process to determine views that may be illogical. The belief system should be coherent, consistent, adequate, and fruitful or "livable." As we look at some of the main belief systems of our world today, we can analyze their truth statements through this lens and assess if they make rational sense.