Is Reason Reasonable without God?

Dennis McCallum

When we study the evidence, it is clear that the human mind is unmatched in its ability to think rationally. In order to argue that trusting reason necessitates the existence of God, we must take an in-depth look at the argument from reason. In doing so, we see that rational analysis of our world only makes sense if we assume the world itself makes rational sense to begin with. We also find that popular attacks against this argument do not actually hold.

Is Good from God?

William Lane Craig

Dr. William Lane Craig answers an important question that shows that theology is foundational for morality. Different world views derive morality from different sources, but the Christian faith puts forth that moral values are grounded in God. Craig expounds upon two claims: If God exists, then there is a sound foundation for morality, and if he does not, morality is just a mere human invention. In addition to this, there are several moral reasons to believe in a God.


John Lennox
John 11:30-44

Doubt is a universal experience, but contrary to popular belief, so is faith. Many people segregate the term "faith" to only the religious sect, but the truth is that all humans exercise faith on a daily basis. We do this because there are exceptionally few things in this world (outside the realm of mathematics) where we can have one hundred percent proof. Not even physical science can have this. Instead, we regularly place our faith into things that have reasonable or overwhelming evidence that they are true. Christianity is no different. We grow in our trust of God as we continue to know Him more. Our doubt of God shrinks as we build a relationship with Him and as our faith continues to build upon increasing evidence.

Movies, Video Games, Songs and Apologetics

Donal O'Mathuna
Matthew 23:37

God created us to be emotional beings, but our emotions are constantly being fed by the things around us. It is important to reflect on what we are being drawn to and how these things impact our hearts. Are we aware of the unhealthy emotional pull different types of media have on us? Do we discuss these with other people? If our emotions are God-given, it is imperative that we feed them Godly nutrition in order to use them for His glory.

The Real Jesus (Part 1)

Jenny Hale
Matthew 23:37

Jesus Christ is arguably the most influential person to ever live, despite the fact that his public ministry only lasted several years, and he never traveled extraordinarily far. So who really was Jesus? Extrapolated from a class on this subject, this first workshop explores historical evidence for Jesus' existence through a plethora of extra-biblical sources. This workshop also provides evidence for the reliability of the gospel writers and the canonicity of the New Testament.

The Role of Apologetics in Evangelism

James Rochford
Matthew 23:37

Apologetics are the rational defense and articulate communication of Christianity. They are used to rouse curiosity in people, give credibility to the Christian worldview, remove barriers to belief, and build the confidence of Christian workers. Christians should learn how to use apologetics in a convincing, but gentle, way.

Loving God with All Your Mind

J.P. Moreland
Ecclesiastes 1

J.P. Moreland exposits Ecclesiastes 1, drawing out the worldview present in Solomon's writing. This Scripture reflects a worldview common in our culture today, naturalism, or the belief that there is no God or divine being. Moreland explains the discrepancies and implications in this worldview and how we can use that today as we try and share our faith with others.

An Analysis and Critique of Philosophical Naturalism

J.P. Moreland
Ecclesiastes 1

Under the world view of philosophical naturalism you cannot adequately answer the bigger questions of life about purpose and consciousness. The naturalist has three aspects to their world view that can easily be critiqued: 1) the naturalists' theory of knowledge; 2) the naturalists' creation account; and 3) the naturalists' view of reality.

The Role of Apologetics in Evangelism

James Rochford
Acts 17:2-4

All followers of Christ should be able to make a defense for their faith. Studying and being equipped with Christian apologetics will give followers of Christ a greater ability to defend their faith. There are many practical ways that apologetics can be used in evangelism. Five practices to consider when evangelizing include: 1) listening carefully; 2) knowing common objections; 3) preparing for roadblocks; 4) offering evidence; and 5) knowing the goals of your conversation.