The Supremacy of Christ

Scott Risley
Colossians 1:13-20

The apostle Paul begins his exposition on Christ's position over all. Paul establishes the different roles played by Christ as fully God and fully human. Christ operates as head over His creation as well as His church. Paul argues against the Colossian false teachers in defense of Christ's supremacy.

Who is Jesus?

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 1:13-23

Many people, both Christians and non-Christians alike, are not sure who Jesus really is. According to the Bible, he is God incarnate who created the universe and serves as its sovereign king. Jesus is also the sacrifice for our sins and the bringer of freedom and peace. He is the means through which we can have a restored relationship with God.

The Cross: God's Radical Provision

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:8-15

False teachers were trying to influence young Christians in Colossae away from Christ and toward religious practices so they would become enlightened. Paul wrote this letter to refute the false teachers, to instruct the Colossians about the deity of Christ and to explain how His death on the cross is God's radical provision for us. It is a provision for us in three ways: 1) it has canceled our certificate of debt; 2) it has given us a spiritual ?circumcision?; 3) it has disarmed the demonic forces that oppose us. God has given us all the resources we need to mature in Him.

Who is Jesus and What Did He Do?

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 15:19-20

Around 60 A.D., Paul and Timothy wrote to the church in Colossae to clarify who Christ was. The first chapter of Colossians expounds on the incarnation of Christ, meaning that Jesus was both fully man and fully God. In order for humanity be fully redeemed, Jesus had to be both. How we view Christ's nature is critical to our salvation and the gospel message.

Who is Jesus?

Ryan Lowery
John 14:8-11

Since God's love is what gives us the power to love others, an important part of understanding God's love is understanding who Jesus is. Jesus is: 1) our redeemer; 2) the highest form of revelation; 3) creator and owner of everything; 4) the highest authority; 5) the head of the church; 6) God.\r\nWhile the divinity and humanity of Jesus are constantly under attack, the truth that God became a human and died in our place is the basis for love and the only true gospel.

The Supremacy of Christ

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:15-23

In his letter to the Colossians, Paul explains the person and work of Christ in a very concise way. Paul speaks of His deity, that He is the Lord of Creation, and that He is the head of the church. Chip Geiser spoke about his experience standing firm on these truths in spite of chronic pain.

Jesus Our Rescuer

Mike Sullivan
Colossians 1:13-23

False teachers infiltrated the church at Colossae and were leading them away from focusing on Jesus and the gospel. Paul clearly communicates to them that Jesus rescued them from a very desperate spiritual situation. Jesus alone is uniquely qualified to rescue. Just like the Colossians, we must get educated and be convinced of our faith and then stay focused on Jesus and His rescue or we will drift away!

The Victorious Return of Jesus

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 19:1-21

In the book of Revelations, John receives a vision of a celebration in heaven, Jesus' return to Earth, and Jesus' defeat of God's enemies. Jesus' first coming was as a savior to suffer and die for humanity, but the second coming will be as a king to judge and rule over humanity. In light of this, we should entrust ourselves to Jesus before he returns and be saved. We should also embrace a way of life that anticipates His return by sharing about God's grace, relying on Him through prayer, and enduring injustice.

The Resurrection

Scott Risley
Mark 16:3-4

The resurrection of Jesus Christ has been portrayed by some scholars as a nice parable for modern, rational people. If the resurrection was not a literal, historical event; however, the ramifications for Christianity and humanity as a whole would be life-altering, and so the evidence must be examined thoroughly. The accounts given in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John present a complete picture of the events that transpired on that Sunday, and through studying them skeptics and believers alike can gain a realistic and accurate perspective of the resurrection.