Jesus: Authenticated and Unique

Dennis McCallum
Luke 3:23-38

The gospel of Matthew, written by Matthew the tax collector, begins by examining the genealogy of Jesus Christ. Beginning with Abraham, the genealogies mentioned go through Abraham's descendants to the tribe of Judah, leading to the line of David. The genealogies seem to not line up with Jesus coming from David because of the line of Jeconiah, but after careful examination, it's clear that Jesus came from the line of Heli, Mary's father. An understanding of Jewish law denotes that Jesus would inherit what came from his adoptive father, Joseph, thus settling the apparent contradiction in genealogies. Through the genealogies, we see Jesus as a predicted son of Abraham, Jacob, David and even adopted into the inheritance, fulfilling many Old Testament prophecies concerning him. This genealogy points out God's control and sovereignty over human history to enact His marvelous plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.

The Seventy Sevens Prophecy

Jim Leffel
Daniel 9:24-27

The main theme of Daniel's prophecies is that God is not aloof, but is aware and at work in human history. In the seventy sevens prophecy, God declares the year that Jesus will die hundreds of years in advance. God has given objective evidence in history where He has laid out His plan and purpose. Each person then has a decision to make concerning their personal belief in Jesus.

The Flow of History (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Revelation 5:5-9

Many of Daniel's prophecies refer to God's kingdom, promised to the throne of David to be a blessing to all the nations. The ruler of this kingdom is called the "Son of Man," said to be more than an ordinary man, a king and priest who is paradoxically killed. Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of these prophecies and, as Daniel said, he will return to rule. God has etched His purpose and character into history so that we might respond to His call to the freedom of His kingdom.

Jesus Reveals His Glory

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 9:28-38

At the transfiguration Jesus is physically changed, Moses and Elijah appear, and God's glory fills the mountain. This happened to show that he is the Messiah though he must be killed, that he is fulfilling God's redemptive plan, and that Jesus is God's son with a mission from Him. Several lessons may be learned from this event: 1) Jesus is God's unique savior; 2) listen to all that Jesus says, not just the parts we like; and 3) don't try to preserve special spiritual experiences instead of serving.

Thinking Like Jesus

Scott Risley
Isaiah 45:18-24

Paul explains the theological concept of the kenosis. He calls his readers to imitate Jesus, who emptied Himself of the use of His divine attributes in order to glorify God the Father.

The Who of the Gospel

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:15-23

Paul teaches the Colossian church about the supremacy of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the unique and perfect revelation of God. He is also the absolute owner of the entire universe and the sole redeemer of universe. It's from knowing who Jesus is that we can determine what he means for our lives. In this case, Jesus can save people and reconcile them to God through his work on the cross. Once that happens, as we focus on Jesus, we are able to see transformation in our lives.

Gospel and Resurrection

Jim Leffel
Mark 16:1-8

The resurrection stands as proof that the cross was sufficient. There are several very good reasons to believe that the cross was a real historical event, including eyewitness accounts and their personal testimonies. The message of the resurrection was so controversial that people would have only accepted it if they knew it to be true. Ultimately, the cross proves and demonstrates God's character and the hope of a future resurrection.

Gospel and Cross

Jim Leffel
Psalms 22:1

The crucifixion is an event supported by history and an understanding of modern biology. Christ's death was clearly intentional, and accomplished the Messiah's mission to offer humanity a chance to be saved. While one could take the cross as foolishness or a scandal, the Bible declares that the cross is the ultimate expression of God's love.

Gospel and the Last Supper

Jim Leffel
Mark 14:12-26

The last supper has an important historical and prophetic meaning as it is symbolizes the pattern of salvation. Just as the Passover lamb was a substitution and a ransom for sin, Christ gave himself as a ransom to save mankind. Today, the last supper is memorialized in communion, a time to remember the work of Christ. Applying God's grace this way in our inner lives allows us to go from bondage to freedom.