An Interrupted Dinner Party

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 7:36-50

When an immoral woman interrupts a dinner party that is thrown by Pharisees, Jesus teaches that Simon the Pharisee self-righteously thinks he doesn't need forgiveness. Jesus claims divine authority to forgive sins; loving Jesus doesn't merit his forgiveness, instead being forgiven by Jesus motivates love for him.

Conflict With Religious Leaders

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 5:33-6:11

The religious leaders attack Jesus at three different opportunities; they do not want to hear what Jesus has to say because he is a threat to their way of life. Jesus claims to be the Messiah. Following Jesus has nothing to do with being an uptight, self-righteous, falsely pious person like the religious leaders proclaimed.

Jesus' Mission Statement

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 5:1-32

In the early stages of Jesus' public ministry, he makes it clear that he has come to call the sinners; this passage includes three encounters between Jesus and sinners. Jesus' mission statement is that no matter how sinful and broken you are, Jesus loves you and wants you and is able to transform your life, and the only thing you have to do is humbly admit to Jesus that you need his love and forgiveness.

Overcoming Temptation

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 4:1-13

Jesus is tempted by Satan in the wilderness; this event teaches us how we will be tempted and how to overcome temptation. Our essential weapon in overcoming temptation is knowing God's Word.

Jesus' Big Surprise

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 3:9-11

Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was God's mystery that He kept hidden from all creation. Jesus' first coming broke expectations for people at the time, as God had planned for a second coming to take place after the time of the cross, ushering in a time for God to use His church to reach people for Christ. The cross was God's demonstration of His perfect love and was kept hidden from Satan in order to ultimately defeat him through Jesus Christ's first coming at the cross.

A Mountaintop Experience

Dennis McCallum
Mark 9:1-7

Jesus' transfiguration on the mountain before James, Peter and John communicates the transcendence and immanence of God. Often, God will use spiritual experiences for strengthening and encouragement during trial. This event also proved that Jesus fulfilled and supersedes the Old Testament. As Christians, we should learn to enjoy spiritual experiences but not depend on them for the basis of our faith, which is found in Christ.

Jesus' Birth & Childhood

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 2:1-52

Luke writes about the beginning of Jesus' life through Mary's perspective. The three scenes in this passage illustrate that Jesus is the unique, divine Ruler of the whole human race, he has voluntarily come to rescue us at great personal cost, and God welcomes and involves everyone who receives Jesus.\r\n

Jesus' Conception

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 1:26-56

The purpose of the book of Luke is to help people make an informed decision to follow Jesus as humanity's savior by giving them accurate information about his unique life. Like when an angel appeared to Mary to inform her that she was pregnant, and when Zacharias was told his barren wife would have a son, God discloses a portion of our role in his plan, and calls us to embrace it by a step of faith. This step is scary, and it requires a decision to actively trust God, but taking this step results in experiencing confirmation, awe, and joy.

Introduction & Overview

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 1:1-4

The book of Luke is the first of a two part written history of the Gospel; it tells the story of Christ's life, while the second part, the book of Acts, tells the beginning of the Church. Luke got his information for this book from three very reliable sources: oral testimony of eyewitnesses, previously written accounts, and his own thorough research. In this book Luke emphasizes that Jesus is radically inclusive and subversive, and the true savior of humanity.