Does Jesus Speak for God?

Dennis McCallum
John 7

Jesus makes some serious claims throughout the Bible, including that his words come from God. The people of Jesus' day responded to these claims by trying to make sense of who Jesus was. We all have a decision to make about who we believe Jesus to be. Some responses to this question are far more reasonable than others.

The Bread of Life

Dennis McCallum
John 6

Moses provided the Israelites with bread that came from heaven and in this passage, Jesus explains that God is now providing them with the Bread of Life through Jesus himself. We have an option in this life to try to fill ourselves with temporary things or be fulfilled by a relationship with God through Jesus' death. Peter believed and experienced the fulfillment of a personal relationship with God through Jesus; so much so that he saw no alternative to the life of service he was living alongside Jesus.

Leading Change

Bruce Powers
John 6

Leading change does not mean an explosive war-filled revolution. Christ proved this when he showed that change begins inside of people and is made of small moments in our hearts. Change comes from processing events and becoming new people. Christ does this by inviting people to understand who they really are in him.

Spiritual Rebirth

Dennis McCallum
Numbers 21:8-9

Jesus has a conversation with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Jesus explains that the way to the kingdom of God is through spiritual rebirth. Those who put their faith in Jesus Christ receive eternal life.\r\n

The Cleansing of the Temple

Dennis McCallum
John 2:13-21

Jesus went up to Jerusalem and was angry to find the temple being used to exploit people and make money. Jesus called for a radical elimination of formalism, including sacred space. Beginning a relationship with Christ means leaving behind impersonal formalism, outward ritualism, superstition, and sacred space. Jesus is the real temple of God.\r\n

The Wedding at Cana

Dennis McCallum
Mark 7:1-32

Jesus performed a miracle at a wedding in Cana. He took water that was used for outer cleansing and turned it into wine that was used for inward consumption. This symbolic act showed that Jesus came to take away outward formalism and introduce inward spirituality. He wanted us to understand we can relate to God on a personal level.\r\n

Meeting the Logos

Dennis McCallum
John 1:1-14

The Word has always existed with God. The Word is creator of nature, not a part of nature. If God is nature, He would be guilty, nature would be as it should, there would be no basis for struggling with evil, and there would be no need for forgiveness. Jesus is the Word.

Jesus on Trial

Jim Leffel
Romans 5:8

Jesus on trial gives us a window into the heart of man and the heart of God. Through the Sanhedrin, Pilate, and the multitudes, who placed Jesus on the cross, we see humanity's desire to be their own god through false hopes. While God reveals His unrelenting love by using their rejection of Him to forgive the sins of the world.

The Emptying of Jesus

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 2:17-18

Christ emptied himself of his godly abilities in order to become a human and pay for humanities sins. Jesus depended on God in order to perform the miracles and work he did here on Earth. Christ humbled himself in order to save humanity.