Introduction to Matthew

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 1:1-17

The gospel of Matthew starts with a genealogy of Jesus, serving to affirm that Jesus is the promised Messiah. Matthew takes the reader through Jesus' adoptive father Joseph's line, demonstrating how his lineage fulfilled key predictions about the Messiah, including that he would be in the kingly line. Beyond that, it demonstrates that Jesus came from a line of broken, "normal" people--a fully human experience. It shows us that God moves toward us as we are, and doesn't expect us to clean up our act first.

Jesus and John the Baptist

Ben Foust
Matthew 3:1-17

John the Baptist's ministry was to announce the approaching Messiah who would make a way to reconcile the lost world to himself. As John himself encounters Jesus, he discovers Jesus is infinitely more transcendent than he expected and yet, Jesus lowered himself far lower than John could ever have imagined by coming in the form of a common man. John's mind is blown!

Jesus and the Future

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 1:1-18

In Revelation, John the Apostle relays a message about the future that he received by direct revelation from Jesus. It is a message to the suffering first century churches in what is modern day Turkey. The question is what did the message mean to John's original readers? They recognized that John used Old Testament imagery and symbols throughout his letter. They would have known the lamb imagery was referring to the suffering savior and the glowing description of Jesus implied a sovereign king. Where the Old Testament does not identify the imagery, John explicitly reveals it.

The Return of Christ

Chris Hearty
Mark 13:24-37

In this passage Jesus describes his second coming. He gives us a well-rounded understanding of this incredible future event.

Who Owns This Place?

Dennis McCallum
Mark 12:1-31

As Jesus' conflict with the religious leaders intensified during the last week of his life, Mark records Jesus' parable of the evil vintners, and the leaders try repeatedly to trap him saying something illegal.

Jesus' Triumphal Entry

Dennis McCallum
Daniel 9:24-25

On the day of Jesus' triumphal entry to Jerusalem, while everyone around him was cheering, Jesus wept. He knew the praise was superficial. They had failed to recognize "the time of their visitation," prophesied by Daniel.

Who is Jesus?

Dennis McCallum
Mark 1:21-2:12

What would it take for people in Jesus' day to believe that he was the Messiah and the son of God? Already Mark showed that John the Baptist, God the Father, and even Satan have borne witness to who Jesus is. Now comes another powerful witness--the witness of miracles.

The Baptism of Jesus

Scott Risley
Mark 1:9-11

Before Jesus begins his long-awaited public ministry he travels to the Jordan River to be baptized by John the Baptist. What follows is a fascinating interaction of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Here we learn about the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Father's delight in the Son, and their implications for the privileges believers enjoy in Christ under the New Covenant.

Who is Jesus? Teacher? Madman? Messiah?

James Rochford
Mark 1:9-11

Jesus of Nazareth never had a formal education, never traveled farther than 100 miles from his birthplace, only had a three year public ministry; and he only collected a small following of uneducated disciples who abandoned him at his death. Yet 2000 years later modern people continue to find their curiosity piqued by this ancient man. But who is Jesus? Was he simply a moral teacher? A menace? A madman? A myth? Or the Messiah? James Rochford evaluates and assesses the evidence for the historical Jesus.