On Eagles' Wings

Jim Leffel
Exodus 19:1-6

A few months after God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, He made a covenant with them: if they obey His voice and keep His covenant with them, then they will be His possession among all the peoples of the earth, they will be His priests and a holy nation. Through Israel, God fulfilled His promise to make a great nation from Abraham's line. Just like God continued to bless Israel, He loves to bless us and empowers us to be a blessing to other people.

Servants of a New Covenant

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 34:29-34

Paul explained that through Christ the veil of the law has been lifted and now we relate to God through grace. Christ died for all of our sins and now we can view our relationship with God as something where we draw near to Him and depend on Him, rather than trying to try to justify ourselves to Him. God's grace offers us freedom and peace as we work with Him.

What About Israel? (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Romans 10-11

God has ushered in a unique time of human history when He will work through the nations to accomplish His purposes. Nevertheless, God has not forgotten Israel and is committed to using them in the future. His future plan brings to light the principles of understanding versus hearing, where the Jewish people stand in terms of God's grace, and what happens to people who haven't heard about Christ. God's relentless love is pursuing all people through the message of Jesus Christ.

What About Israel? (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Romans 9-11

God's plan throughout human history has always included the Nation of Israel. During this time of the church age, God has been primarily using Gentiles, while remaining faithful to the small remnant of Israel for the future. God's sovereignty throughout human history proves that He uses who He wants. In the meantime, those in the church age have the exciting experience to be used by God before He goes back to using His chosen people group.

Abraham, Man Of Faith

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 17:18-19

God creates a covenant with the man Abraham. He establishes it as unconditional, meaning Abraham didn't have to do anything on his own power. After trying to take matters into their own hands, Abraham and his wife, Sarah, ultimately learn that faith means answering God's call and waiting on Him. Human effort and quick-fix solutions don't yield the results God intends.

From Good to Great

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 8:6-13

The Old Covenant was good because it demonstrated God's moral character, prescribed a just society, and was a means of securing blessing for ancient Israel. Though the Law itself was good, sinful human beings could never keep it. The New Covenant is superior because it is unilateral, does away with sin, and results in an internal change of the heart. Believers today should seek to relate with God under the New Covenant, not the old.

Introducing Hebrews

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 1:1-3

The book of Hebrews was written to answer a variety of questions that a 1st-century Jewish person may have had. The book is significant because, while Christianity emerges from Judaism, it also rejects key Jewish practices and assumptions. It answers many questions about God's Word and authority in a convincing way that harmonizes both the Old and New Testaments.

Solomon: the Half-Hearted King

Scott Risley
1 Kings 3-11

Solomon, the third king of Israel, had godly aspirations, a humble heart, and God's covenant promises. He was set up for great success. In spite of this, Solomon later chose compromise over wholehearted commitment to God. We learn the importance of clinging to God's instruction over our own plans. Solomon's reign highlights God's generosity, sovereignty, and integrity.

Two Ways of Relating to God

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 3:6-18

God's new covenant of grace and living by the Holy Spirit's power completely eradicated the Old Covenant of moral obligation and law. As opposed to trying to relate to God based on our own goodness or out of guilt, we are freed to live under the security of His unwavering love and acceptance of us through Christ. As we live under God's way of grace, more and more of who Christ is can be revealed to others as God works in our lives. This teaching includes a testimony by Travis Henderson.