Galatian Tribulations

Scott Risley
Acts 13:38-14:28

After watching Paul and Barnabas heal a crippled man, the crowds attempt to worship them as gods. Paul responds by telling them about the one true God and how He has given us evidence of Himself in His creation. Additional evidence for God in creation is discussed, as well as evidence from our minds: we can think, we have a sense of right and wrong, we can make choices and we long for meaning, purpose, and love. Historical evidence is also presented for Paul and Barnabus's travels to Lystra, Lycaonia, and Derbe.

Marks of the Creator Hidden in Creation

Conrad Hilario
Romans 1:19-20

God has left us evidence of Himself in the universe. We look at evidence from science supporting a design to creation.

The Fall (Part 2): Fallout from the Fall

Jim Leffel
Genesis 3:7-24

With the fall of Adam and Eve, the human condition changes. Alienation enters humanity: alienation within, alienation from God, and alienation from other people. Paradise is lost, but God has an amazing plan for redemption.

The Fall (Part 1): The Heart of the Problem

Jim Leffel
1 John 2:15-16

How do we understand and deal with evil? Adam and Eve's fall stemmed from an assault on God's character, their prideful autonomy, and the erroneous belief that satisfying their desires would lead to fulfillment.

Creation and the Uniqueness of Humanity

Jim Leffel
Genesis 1:1-2:7

Part 3 of the Creation account is presented from Genesis 1 and 2. God created man in His own image. So what does it mean to be a human? Humans are unique because of their morality, spirituality, freedom, rationality, and sexuality.

Creation in 21st Century Perspective

Jim Leffel
Genesis 1:1-31

How does the biblical creation account fit with our modern scientific understanding? In our modern thinking, science and theology are divorced from one another. However, the Bible is not at cross-purposes with the work of science. Modern science affirms the Bible's description of nature as an orderly system, excessive to reason, understandable, and not random chaos.

Creation in Ancient Near East Context

Jim Leffel
Genesis 1:1-31

The creation account in the Bible offers a different perspective than most other ancient religions and mythologies. God is transcendent over nature, rather than a deity made up of nature. The creation account deals with linear history moving towards a goal, rather than cyclical mythology. Human beings are made with dignity in the image of God, rather than pawns to please the gods. And ultimately, creation is an act of God's gracious salvation.

Five Myths About Heaven

Derek Sanford
Revelation 21:1-6

Far too often, people are not excited about heaven because of the misconceptions around it. But if God calls us to look forward to our afterlife, we need to address five particular myths about heaven. First, heaven will not be boring. Second, we will not lose our identities. Third, heaven is not just a spiritual existence rather than a tangible, physical reality. Fourth, everyone will not be equal but instead be rewarded for their good works in heaven. And finally, we must remember the somber reality that not everyone will get to heaven. As we address these myths, we can grow in our understanding and excitement for our future home.

What is Faith?

Conrad Hilario
2 Corinthians 4:18

The world presents faith as a form of wishful thinking based on emotions and human will. The biblical perspective on faith, however, is that it is an active choice to trust God based in facts and evidence. Science does not contradict biblical faith but instead affirms the creation account in Hebrews 11:3 and the need for a worldview that answers the bigger questions of life. Anyone can exercise biblical faith by starting a relationship with God or humbling themselves to trust in His plan.