What Is Faith?

Dennis McCallum
John 20:27-29

Chapter 11 begins by describing faith as having confidence in what is yet to come. The Bible's definition of faith differs from today's culture, where faith is more like a feeling or wishful thinking. The passage continues to describe what believers have faith in, one of those being how God created the world by his command. The Biblical perspective of the universe's origin is then contrasted to modern beliefs of the world's starting point. Lastly, we look at why God has faith in a high priority and that faith is the only requirement needed to connect and start a relationship with God.

God's Ultimate Self Disclosure

Conrad Hilario
Philippians 2:4-11

Despite its unknown author and somewhat obscure background, the book of Hebrews opens with a bold and clear claim that God has spoken to humanity, first through the prophets and ultimately through Jesus Himself. God desires to reveal Himself to His creation, and Jesus is the exact representation of God's very nature. He is both fully God and fully human, and His incarnation demonstrates God's humility in a powerful example for Christians and non-Christians alike.

The God Who Speaks

Scott Risley
Romans 2:15

God speaks to humanity, declaring His existence, through His creation. Science agrees with what the Bible tells us about the origins and organization of the universe. A video and red-dime analogy are included that explain the fine tuning of the universe and ultimately reveal the need for a higher power who guided the creation process. Nature and science can abolish our doubts about the existence of a God. However, there is only so much we can learn about God through science, so God also speaks to us through His Word, and His servants. God is speaking to you--will you hear His voice?

God Revealed

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 19:1-14

Is God separate from the creation of the universe? Can Science and Christianity really have agreeing statements? God gave use both the mind to conceive of scientific facts and, in creating the universe, gave us a number of scientific facts to see how His intent is visible in the universe. God has also given guidance to us in our lives just as He guided the universe's creation and our own creation which is in His image.

The Supremacy of Christ

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:15-23

In his letter to the Colossians, Paul explains the person and work of Christ in a very concise way. Paul speaks of His deity, that He is the Lord of Creation, and that He is the head of the church. Chip Geiser spoke about his experience standing firm on these truths in spite of chronic pain.

God's Self-Revelation

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 19:1-14

In Psalm 19, David explains that God makes Himself known to man in 2 ways: through His creation and through the words of the Bible. If we cultivate a healthy mistrust of our own understanding and cultivate an appreciation of God's Word, thinking about it and sharing it with others, we will be changed by its truth.

The Reason for Our Hope

Scott Risley
1 Peter 3:15

This passage calls on believers to always have a reason for their hope. There are several reasons that people believe in something: because it's what people around you believe, it's what your parents taught you, it makes you feel better, because it works. The best reason is because it's true. This teaching discusses 3 reasons to believe in the God of the Bible: 1- Arguments from science: (fine-tuning, big bang, origin, and complexity of life); 2- arguments from history; 3- arguments from common sense. There are 2 videos on human DNA.

An Analysis and Critique of Philosophical Naturalism

J.P. Moreland
1 Peter 3:15

Under the world view of philosophical naturalism you cannot adequately answer the bigger questions of life about purpose and consciousness. The naturalist has three aspects to their world view that can easily be critiqued: 1) the naturalists' theory of knowledge; 2) the naturalists' creation account; and 3) the naturalists' view of reality.

Man Before the Fall

Ryan Lowery
Genesis 1:26-2:25

Mankind stands out among other creatures both in capacity for good and for evil. The Bible explains this dual picture of man in a compelling way through the creation account. In our original state, we were created to be eternal, united with God, and in harmony with both our environment and with each other. But in order for us to have the capacity for love, we also must have the capacity to choose for either good or evil.