Life After Life:Evidence for the Resurrection

Lee Campbell
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Christianity is like no other religious system. Christians have compelling evidence for the literal resurrection of Jesus which means we, too, will be resurrected in due time. We can share this knowledge to comfort and encourage other grieving Christians.

Living with Hope

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 4:9-5:11

In God's plan for humanity, we were never meant to experience death, but since Adam and Eve sinned, we all have or will experience the evil of death. But Christians do not need to fear death as Scripture is clear, when we die, we go immediately to be with Jesus. Jesus promises to someday come back to earth to gather together those who have put their faith in Him, and take us to heaven, whether we have already died or are still alive on earth. Then the Tribulation period will begin.

Is the Afterlife Real?

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 4

The Bible affirms that the afterlife is real and Jesus is proof of it. Jesus' resurrection from the dead is the source of our great hope, which the world does not have. If you do not have that same hope, why not ask God to reveal this truth to you?

The Tenth Plague

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 11:12

The powerful way God foreshadowed the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross by the tenth plague of the deaths of the first-born sons in Egypt is a prophetic reminder through the ages of God's desire to save us. God gave the Passover message to strengthen our faith in Jesus and to give faith to those who are not yet Christians.

Understanding Satan's Tactics

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 6:10-12

God's enemy is real and relentless. You are the target. Jesus never reasons or argues with Satan but declares God's truth. You are in a battle. Are you going to be a combatant or collateral damage? You need to arm yourself with truth. If you are a Christian, you do not need to fear death or Satan.

Treasure in Earthen Vessels

Mike Sullivan
2 Corinthians 4:7-18

God allows us to experience suffering to break down our self-reliance and let more of His aroma out. This process of Christ being formed in us occurs as we die to self and live for Christ. God sustains us with His power and He enables us to have greater spiritual impact on others.

God's Good News

Ben Foust
Romans 1:1-7

The book of Romans is the Good News of God about the essential issue of mankind. God has done something so that we can come to Him and have a right relationship with Him, in this life and the next. The Gospel is about Jesus, sent from the Father, born into the human race, evidenced by miracles, died on the cross and rose from the dead, and provided the way for all people to be reconciled to God.

What's Wrong with Humans?

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 2:1-10

Our sin is a big barrier between us and God. Our fall from grace has led to alienation from God. But God in His mercy offers us forgiveness through the death of His son Jesus. When we believe and accept this offer of forgiveness, God gives us a new identity which we then gradually grow into it. Religion is the performance of religious laws, but Jesus offers instead a relationship based on personal love.

Famous Last Words

Scott Risley
2 Timothy 4:9-22

As Paul faces his last days on earth, his thoughts are on his friends, both loyal and disloyal, his reading material (Old Testament and his letters), and finally, his cloak to keep him warm in his cold prison cell. In the end, the Word of God and his relationships are what mattered most to Paul. When you face the end of your life, you can have certainty that you will face Jesus as your friend.