Our Adventure Guide: Following the Trip Leader

Mark Mittelberg

We often feel unprepared, intimidated, or inadequate when it comes to sharing our faith with others. Mark Mittelberg shares three real life stories - and points out that although it is true that we are not sufficient on our own - God will supply the power and wisdom to do His work! God chooses to work through us, and it is only up to us to respond.

Lessons on Prayer

Ryan Lowery
Acts 12:1-17

When Peter is arrested and put on death row, God miraculously saves him as an answer to prayer. There are four principles about prayer to be learned: 1) God does not always answer prayer; 2) persistence in prayer is important; 3) corporate prayer is important; and 4) it is important not to miss answered prayers.

Dealing With Failure

Scott Risley
1 Peter 5:2-4

When Christians fail, it is easy to believe that God has abandoned them or will punish them for their mistakes. The example of Peter's failure, however, demonstrates that God is gracious towards us and can even use our failures for good, and those who choose to accept the second chance God gives them can become more effective servants for Him.

Features of a Transformed Community: Concluding Prayer

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

God's Will for all people has to do with the process of sanctification. Our problem is that we have broken desires, relational alienation, dying bodies, and true moral guilt. Through the cross, God offers justification and complete transformation in this life and in the next. For those who pursue sanctification, security in Christ is the key to perseverance.

Unshakeable Contentment

Ryan Lowery
Philippians 4:12-22

Paul expresses his gratitude to the Philippians for their generosity to support him financially. He expresses his ability to learn contentment in whatever the circumstances. Four principles are seen that have helped Paul be content: 1) being grateful for what he has; 2) remembering wealth is not a means to an end; 3) actively guarding the heart against greed; and 4) understanding generosity as a means to worship God.

Jesus' Letter to the Church in Laodicea

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 3:14-22

Jesus' letter to the church in Laodicea is a rebuke against their attitude towards wealth. Like this church, many of us have let our wealth cause spiritual blindness. Jesus instructs them to repent from their attitude towards wealth, invite Jesus to meet their needs, and invite Him back into their lives in a relational way.

The Vine and the Branches

Dennis McCallum
John 15:1-13

Jesus uses an analogy of a vine and branches to describe the type of relationship between him and his followers. Jesus is the life-giving source to which believers must have dependence on in order to really bear fruit for God. This is a love-trust relationship between Jesus and his followers where his followers are dependent on Jesus and as they receive from him, they are able to give out from what they have received (self-sacrificial love towards others). It is as we continually abide in Christ that we are able to love others the way Jesus did and have real character transformation and deep satisfaction in our lives. This passage is essential for Christians to understand how to deepen their relationship with God.

Abiding: Our Part in Cooperating with the Spirit

Conrad Hilario
John 15:1-17

Jesus uses a horticultural example to explain God's role and the believer's role in abiding in Christ and the benefits that follow. God lifts us up, raises our level of need for Him, and disciplines us while the believer is called to read the bible, pray, commit to fellowship, and not resist God's discipline. The benefits of abiding in Christ are bearing fruit (i.e. the work God accomplishes through us in others), experiencing the privilege of being a part of God's great plan, cherishing God's friendship, and the joy that comes from Him.

The Fruitful Life

Scott Risley
John 15:1-16

Jesus used the metaphor of a gardener with the grapevine and branches to describe a fruitful life for God. He illustrated three types of people and commanded us to abide in him through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is the only way to bear fruit for God. Practical ideas for how to abide and the benefits of abiding are given. What better life is there?\r\n