Faith In Action

Ryan Lowery
Luke 9:10-17

In the feeding of the 5000 and the sending of the 12, Jesus demonstrates several principles about being a part of God's plan: 1) God supplies the power; 2) the mission is to spread the Word; 3) we are to meet people's needs; 4) we must depend on God for resources; and 5) being faithful is being successful. When carrying out His work, God wants to use us to meet the needs of others as He provides for us.

Who Is Jesus?

Jeff Gordon
John 5:1-47

The religious leaders of Jesus' day confront him for working on the Sabbath by healing a disabled man at the Pool of Bethesda. By breaking the sabbath, Jesus claimed equality with God the Father. These leaders rejected Jesus, refused to believe his claims, and warned Jesus that Moses would accuse him. They did not accept his offer to make them well too.

Sermon On The Plain - Part 2

Ryan Lowery
Luke 6:27-49

Many believe that Christian churches are full of judgment and hypocrisy, though Jesus calls believers to love their enemies unconditionally. In addition to this, we are also called to stand up for the truth. This requires an understanding of God's moral standards and how we fall short ourselves. This humble stance gives us the ability to hear God's instruction ourselves.

Jesus and the Sabbath

Ryan Lowery
Luke 6:1-11

When Jesus violated the Sabbath, the religious leaders were extremely offended. Jesus then explains that Biblical ethics are more about principles rather than strict laws. Christians today need to avoid turning good structures into terrible burdens by remembering the purpose they serve.

Wine & Wineskins

Ryan Lowery
Luke 5:27-39

Jesus' followers were often accused of licentiousness by those with a religious mindset because they spent time with sinners and didn't fast. Jesus' response is that on one hand, this is not a time for fasting, but on the other hand, they don't need to fast because they are doing something new. As the wine of God's Truth was being revealed more fully, the methods of conveying that truth needed to change. Modern-day Christians need to be similarly flexible in their methods of conveying truth, without giving up on the core truths.

Why God Rescued Israel

Scott Risley
Exodus 17:8-19:25

On the way to Mount Sinai, the Israelites defeat the Amalekites by keeping Moses's hands held high. Jethro gives Moses good advice on delegation. The Israelites learn that God is a God of rescue and wants to use them in a special way in this world. God wants to rescue us and use us in his plan to rescue others.


Scott Risley
John 7:37-39

As the Israelites journey into the desert, they complain about a lack of water and food. Despite their complaints, God provides for them. God often allows challenging circumstances to show us something about ourselves and to help us grow spiritually. When we complain about the circumstances we are really complaining about God. When we trust God, we experience his provision and healing.

Parable of the Vine and Branches

Jim Leffel
John 15:1-11

Jesus uses a parable to describe himself and God and how he wants to relate to us as human beings. He offers us the life that we desire if we abide in Him. To truly abide in Christ, we must understand and move towards our identity and intimacy with God, dwell in God's mind, and dwell in God's heart. When we truly abide we will bear the fruit of the Spirit, bring glory to God's name, and effectively pray.

God's and Man's Role in Multiplication

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 1:28-29

McCallum teaches that multiplication is better at producing church growth than other ways. In living according to this biblical model it's essential to understand God's role and man's role. Things only God can accomplish in people's lives include: 1) reaching people's hearts; 2) conviction of sin; 3) imparting wisdom; 4) real transformation; 5) imparting hunger for ministry; 6) sustaining motivation. Under a correct view of God's role, we can participate in our role effectively. A few things this includes is exerting myself to love others, trying to disciple others, and playing my part in the body of Christ. Regular reassessment of how we're viewing God's role and our role is necessary for every Christian.\r\n