Parable of the Vine and Branches

Jim Leffel
John 15:1-11

Jesus uses a parable to describe himself and God and how he wants to relate to us as human beings. He offers us the life that we desire if we abide in Him. To truly abide in Christ, we must understand and move towards our identity and intimacy with God, dwell in God's mind, and dwell in God's heart. When we truly abide we will bear the fruit of the Spirit, bring glory to God's name, and effectively pray.

God's and Man's Role in Multiplication

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 1:28-29

McCallum teaches that multiplication is better at producing church growth than other ways. In living according to this biblical model it's essential to understand God's role and man's role. Things only God can accomplish in people's lives include: 1) reaching people's hearts; 2) conviction of sin; 3) imparting wisdom; 4) real transformation; 5) imparting hunger for ministry; 6) sustaining motivation. Under a correct view of God's role, we can participate in our role effectively. A few things this includes is exerting myself to love others, trying to disciple others, and playing my part in the body of Christ. Regular reassessment of how we're viewing God's role and our role is necessary for every Christian.\r\n


Scott Risley
Exodus 12:37-15:21

God leads the Israelites out of Egypt and into an impossible situation. They are wedged up against the Red Sea as Pharaoh's army approaches. God's miraculous deliverance strengthens the faith of the Israelites and is held up as an example of God's power for thousands of years to come.

Getting More Ready

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 4:24-6:19

In a series of events, God prepared Moses to rescue the Israelites out of their slavery in Egypt. Moses and Aaron confronted Pharaoh, resulting in an increased workload for the Israelite slaves. God told Moses once again that He is Yahweh and will deliver His people from the hand of Pharaoh.

Keys to a Healthy Relationship with God

Scott Risley
1 Thessalonians 5:16-28

Paul focuses on how to have a healthy relationship with God through prayer, rejoicing, and thankfulness. Paul also focuses on how we can be led by God: 1) with His Spirit; 2) with prophecy (speaking on behalf of God); 3) not quenching the Spirit and saying no to God's leading; 4) to discern what is from God and what is not by comparing it to Scripture; 5) being comforted by God's power and faithfulness.

What Do You Want?

Ruth W
1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Where will we set our hearts and minds - on God, or on our flesh? Paul uses the 40 year journey of the Israelites in the desert to demonstrate what it looks like when we lack faith and lose focus. Paul then uses the image of an athlete to show what it looks like for a Christian to have discipline and endurance with their sights on the prize. Choosing the right focus affects every area of our lives.

A Life Centered in God

Dennis McCallum
Proverbs 3:1-12

There are six points that lead to proper interpretation of the promises laid out in Proverbs. As we understand these points, God's promises become more clear. One of the promises that God makes to His followers is to make their paths straight. In order to fully realize this promise and experience it in our own life, we must first choose to entrust our whole self to God. Compartmentalizing the areas we give over to God will not allow us to fully experience this promise.

Partnership of Faith and Works

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 11:19

James points out that faith without works is dead. We don't work to save ourselves through the law, but rather what we do reflects what we believe.

Overcoming Prejudice with Love

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:17

James calls us to practice the love that Christ showed us. The world sees people in terms of their temporary status or wealth, but we are called to see people how God sees them. God sees them as loved, and so we should see everyone as a masterpiece of God's own creation.