What does it take to go to heaven?

Dennis McCallum
Mark 10:13-31

Jesus interacts with a rich young man whose self-righteousness and moral goodness prevent him from seeing his need for Jesus. Jesus' interaction demonstrates the power of affluence and how seeing the need for Jesus is difficult. Instead, Jesus proposes that people become like children, that is: humble, dependent, and willing to trust in Jesus. Those who are humble enough to see their need for Jesus can inherit eternal life, while those who are caught up in wealth and their own righteousness could miss out.


Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6

Paul shows that the basis of Christian's adequacy comes solely from God. Christians are competent and adequate through God to serve in the new ministry of grace by the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit. This sense of God-given adequacy allows others to sense God's presence in our lives and provides us with assurance to serve Him and others based on God's stamp of approval through His Son. As we live this way, the sincerity of what God has done in our lives is made more evident.

The God of All Comfort

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 1:1-11

Christians can develop a more thorough knowledge of God as they willingly participate with how He wants to use our sufferings. As we experience sufferings, we get a greater awareness and understanding of God's comfort for us, and are empowered to give that to others as they need comfort amidst suffering. Christians who grow in their endurance amidst suffering are able to have increased hope in light of unfavorable circumstances and can view their suffering as a new way to develop further dependence on God over self.

Walking on Water

Dennis McCallum
Mark 6:45-52

Jesus' walking on water demonstrates the impact of where our focus is. Peter and the disciples were so terrified of the storms and waves that they took their focus off Jesus, something that is common for Christians today. Turning back to focus our attention on Jesus allows us to acknowledge our problems, but not make them the focus of our lives. Developing a vertical perspective will prevent us from concentrating on the problems and things we don't have in this life.

Jesus' Response to Faith

Dennis McCallum
Mark 5:21-6:6

Throughout multiple encounters, Jesus gives insight into how people respond to faith. Biblical faith is not about the amount, but where the object of the faith is placed. Jesus specifically responded to people who understood their helplessness before him. At the same time, Jesus holds people accountable to respond to him in faith and is eager to demonstrate grace and God's power as people act out of their faith.

Mary of Bethany

Jill Briscoe
Luke 10:38-42

Through beautiful stories and examples comes encouragement to not waste the pain and suffering in our lives, but allow God to use it. It is through adversity that we have a choice to deepen our faith. Mary of Bethany is a woman who through her life gave her heart, home, and hurt to Jesus. \r\n

The End of History as We Know It

Dennis McCallum
Daniel 11:29-12:10

Daniel predicts the final war of the end times. There is much we do not know, but studying biblical prophecy, and how it has been fulfilled, gives us confidence in God and His power!\r\n\r\n

The Art of Leadership (Part 1)

Jill Briscoe
Philippians 1:12-20

To understand the art of leadership, it is imperative to understand yourself and God. You can only lead people as far as you have gone yourself with the Lord. Opening up the book of Philippians we see Paul write down the art of the Christian life. Like Paul, we too can bring people along with us as we understand and relate to God in deeper ways.

God Speaks!

Dennis McCallum
Daniel 1:1-20

At a time when the Jewish nation has been beaten down yet again, and many have been taken captive by the Babylonian empire, a young Jewish man named Daniel comes on to the scene. Daniel and a few of his friends are specially selected to live in the palace and be trained and taught as Babylonians. They are offered wealth, power, and prestige but at a price - as they are called to give up their cultural and religious identity. Daniel and his friends are respectful but firm in their refusal to conform, and God provides for them as a result! We face many similar choices where we are told to compromise, will we stand firm?