Multiplication in an Urban Context

Scott Arnold
Jeremiah 17:9

Multiplication within an urban context is a unique goal that has its own breadth and depth of challenges. Barriers to people accomplishing functional and spiritual goals can run incredibly deep as we consider the potential lack of helpful family support, negative examples, the stigma of success, lack of funds, and transportation. Discipleship is still the goal to strive for, so we must recognize and consider practical steps to the unique challenges presented. Some of these suggestions include being honest and open about our own struggles, teaching them to distrust themselves, studying God's faithfulness and goodness, and both praying and going with them to help resolve conflict with other Christians.

Intro to the Xenos Home Group Model

Phil Franck
Hebrews 10:24-25

This workshop includes a brief overview of the number and structure of home groups in Xenos, the history of how Xenos came to be, and how these home groups plant new groups. When a plant happens, new leaders must be considered through biblical criteria and raised up. There are several main areas that are crucial for leaders within the groups to focus on and emphasize, which include both evangelism and discipleship. We can promote both of these focuses in our home groups in numerous ways as we equip ourselves with some practical suggestions.

Faithfulness in Multiplication Ministry

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 4:1-2

Faithfulness in multiplication ministry is accomplished through four means: 1) regular strengthening by God's Word; 2) peer friendships; 3) appreciating your ministry role as a privilege of God's grace; 4) build a biblically-informed focus on your eternal destination. These four things need prioritized or they will not happen. Multiplication is difficult work that takes a long time. Cultivating these will ensure faithfulness to God's call in our lives.\r\n

Raising Up Leaders Using Discipleship

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:11-13

While many churches avoid discipleship because of its difficult behind-the-scenes labor and its tendency to require much investment before producing tangible fruit, we see the example of discipleship littered across the New Testament. Through properly defined and committed discipleship, we can effectively raise up leaders throughout the church, instead of just replacing leaders at the front of the church. This allows for multiplication, a powerful result of this biblically prescribed tool.

Passing the Baton - Lessons on Leadership Succession from Exodus & Joshua

Scott Risley
Ephesians 4:11-13

There are many leadership lessons from Moses and Joshua's life. Passing the baton to the next person is key in leadership success. There are two ways to evaluate the ministries of Moses and Joshua: how their lives ended and what happened after they died. Though Moses ended poorly he left many to continue following God where Joshua left no one after he died. It's important to think ahead and to prepare people for the future.\r\n

God's and Man's Role in Multiplication

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 1:28-29

McCallum teaches that multiplication is better at producing church growth than other ways. In living according to this biblical model it's essential to understand God's role and man's role. Things only God can accomplish in people's lives include: 1) reaching people's hearts; 2) conviction of sin; 3) imparting wisdom; 4) real transformation; 5) imparting hunger for ministry; 6) sustaining motivation. Under a correct view of God's role, we can participate in our role effectively. A few things this includes is exerting myself to love others, trying to disciple others, and playing my part in the body of Christ. Regular reassessment of how we're viewing God's role and our role is necessary for every Christian.\r\n

Working Small in a Growing Ministry

Ben Stuart
2 Timothy 4:9-18

In Paul's second letter to Timothy we get a glimpse into his intimate inner circle of friends and fellow co-workers for the Lord. It is there that we learn one cannot grow an enduring ministry without working in close relationships. To have advancement in ministry it is important to find people who display a desire to love God and have their character transformed. Once God has revealed these people to us, we can model and lead through friendship.

Multiplication - Effective Method or Biblical Principle?

Jim Leffel
Acts 2:46

The biblical principle that we see throughout scripture is church growth through organic reproduction. This model is not only successful all over the world but it is the most sustainable. Multiplication through home church planting leads to quality growth because it is reflected in personal discipleship. Jesus said: go and make disciples.

Christian Discipleship Relationships Pt. 2

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13

Paul continues to share with the Thessalonians his concern for them while they were apart. From this section, we are able to determine two more principles that take place in Christian discipleship. The first is that a major priority in these relationships is face-to-face relating. There was also a healthy concern for one another's spiritual welfare. Paul was able to give himself sacrificially to them because his needs had been met in Christ. Includes excerpts from Sherry Turkle's book "Alone Together" and discusses the negatives that come from replacing face to face relating with immersion into information technology.