Messiah's Glorious Kingdom

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 72

While King Solomon is praying for his own ability to reign properly, he is also alluding to the ultimate reign of Messiah. King Messiah's reign will be marked by God-given moral integrity and wisdom. It will bring unparalleled peace and prosperity. It will be world-wide and everlasting. It will fulfill God's promise to Abraham that all nations will be blessed through him.

Jesus and John

Ben Foust
Revelation 1

When John meets the risen Jesus in Revelation Chapter One, he falls face-down like a dead man. Jesus's appearance was so brilliantly different from the man he knew during Jesus' earthly ministry that John was awe-struck. Can this be the same man? Is Jesus the gentle lamb who is relational and approachable? Or is he the fearsome lion of Judah who will judge the earth? Is he immanent or transcendent? The answer is he is both! He is both king and friend which qualifies him to be our savior.

God's Eternal Kingdom Part 2

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 21:9-27

John describes the new city of Jerusalem coming down to earth from heaven. Scholars argue whether his language is literal or figurative. Regardless, there is symbology we can decipher, such as the cube shaped city represents the three types of people who will make up its residents, Old Testament believers, the Apostles and New Testament believers. It will be a place of great wealth and beauty. All ethnic groups will e present with their diverse cultures. God will dwell with His people and His people will reflect His glory. Believers in this life can have a taste of the next life in this life when we reflect His glory, experience His presence and experience the glory of the nations.

God's Eternal Kingdom Part 1

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 21:1-6

God's eternal kingdom will be a physical, material world where we will have transformed physical bodies. It will be relational because God is a community of love relationships. There will be complete healing and wholeness. It will be never-ending where our life before was a brief prelude to our forever life in heaven. We can have complete confidence this will happen because God's record of fulfilling His predictions is flawless. Remarkably, anyone who is thirsty for this eternal life is welcome to receive it for the asking. No money, no good works, no ritual observances, no degree of sinlessness is required to receive water from the spring of life.

Final Judgment

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 20:11-15

Many people, Christian and non-Christian alike, are uncomfortable with the idea of final judgment, or hell, but it is a reality. Hell is necessary because sin is a reality that must be dealt with. God loves people and sin hurts the people God loves. Because God values free will, he honors our choices. Because God is righteous and just, he must punish sin. Because he is loving, he offers an alternative to hell for anyone who chooses to receive the forgiveness Jesus offers through his death on the cross.

Jesus' Millenial Kingdom

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 20:1-10

The Millennial Kingdom is the period of time after the church age ends. It is a thousand years of Jesus and his resurrected followers reigning over the mortal survivors of the Tribulation. Satan will be bound during this time. People will live long without illness. After the thousand years, Satan will be released to deceive the nations one final time but he will be destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire forever and ever. \r\n\r\nIt will be a period of true social justice and lasting world peace. There will be world-wide spiritual enlightenment and a time of unprecedented celebration and joy. Nature will be substantially restored.

The Second Coming of Christ

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 19:1-21

The Bible is clear, Jesus first came to earth as a suffering servant and he will return to earth as a conquering king. When he returns, he will defeat his enemies and will put an end to rebellion forever. Satan and his antichrist will be thrown into the lake of fire forever. There will be a wedding celebration for all those who have put their trust in Jesus to save them. If you are a believer, the question is are you ready for his return? As a non-believer, will you put your faith in Jesus and join the celebration?

Babylon the Great

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 18

Babylon the Great is the ultimate expression of human empires that defy God's rule. It seduces governments and businesses thorough the allure of material wealth. It seduces individuals by turning good things into idols that corrupt and enslave. As believers, we are not citizens of this world system and so should not get caught up in arguing the relative value of different political systems but instead should make the ongoing decision to resist the seductive influence of Babylon the Great.

The Beasts of Revelation 13

Lee Campbell
Revelation 13:1-18

In Revelation, John describes the three beasts that will be revealed during The Tribulation period, the dragon, the antichrist, and the false prophet. Much of John's language is cryptic and some of it is impossible to understand until it is revealed and then it will be unmistakable. Some possible reactions to this uncertainty is skepticism, unhealthy speculation, or fear. The best response is faith. God has given us so much prophesy that has come true that we can have confident faith that these mystifying prophesies will also come true in due time. In the mean time we should be trusting and obeying what we do know to be true from Scripture. God wins in the end and we have eternal life in him. Our focus must be on sharing his good news with others who do not know him yet.