The Great Tribulation

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 24:15-22

In the Olivet discourse, Jesus speaks with his disciples about what to expect at the end of time in a period referred to as "the great tribulation". He explains that this will be a time of chaos and intense suffering before Jesus comes back to judge the earth. We will discuss general preconditions for this time period and explore biblical prophecy surrounding this event.

When Will These Things Be?

Dennis McCallum
Ezekiel 37:1-24

Jesus tells His disciples about the future judgment of Israel in which the temple will be destroyed and the Jews displaced. When the disciples inquire about the timeline, Jesus responds with a series of signs but assures them that the Gentiles' time in Jerusalem is only temporary. Less than 40 years later, Jesus' words came true; and today we see even more Old Testament prophecy about the end times fulfilled as the Jews are regathered to Israel. The Bible stands alone in it's ability to make astonishing predictions, confirming it's claim to be God's Word.

Jesus and the End of the World, Part 2

Scott Risley
Luke 21:25-27

Jesus uses predictive prophecy regarding end times to illustrate the character of God and His message to humanity. Research validates the signs Jesus predicted including signs from the first coming, the second coming, and for the end of the world. Religious, political, and environmental signs are discussed. There are also preconditions that have been validated which we are seeing happen today.

Jesus and the End of the World, Part 1

Scott Risley
Ezekiel 37:10-25

In his final week, Jesus predicts Jerusalem will be uprooted, scattered and later regathered. He warns his disciples against false claims, tells them what to look for and explains how they will go through great persecution. Historians Josephus and Tacitus confirm this biblical account as well as Old Testament Scripture. Against all odds, these predictions have come true which gives great evidence this can only be from the one true God.

Things to Come

Jim Leffel
Luke 21:5-38

Jesus teaches the Olivet Discourse, a prophecy concerning the end times. Signs of these times include war, famine, natural disaster, relational discord, the destruction of Jerusalem, and the regathering of the Jewish people. We don't know when the end of the age will be, but some of these signs have been fulfilled in recent years and eventually, Christ will return.

Detecting False Teachers

Gary DeLashmutt
John 10:4

John, one of Jesus' disciples, writes his first epistle to the church in Ephesus to combat Gnosticism. In these verses, he gives his audience two additional tests to detect false teachers: 1) do the teachers agree with the Apostles' teaching about who Jesus is; and 2) does the Holy Spirit confirm their view of Jesus?

Live with the End in View

Jim Leffel
Luke 12:35-40

Looking at three short parables in Luke 12, three main practices stand out as being critical to living in faith and hope in the time until Christ's return: 1.) Living in readiness to meet the King, taking part in the work of the Kingdom today; 2.) waiting patiently, but not idly; and 3.) being alert to the opportunities God brings for us, fighting distractions.

Hospitality and the End Times

Rich Mendola
Luke 12:35-40

Would you like to picture the coming kingdom where God reigns? Then practice Biblical Hospitality! Jesus links the great messianic banquet that is to come to times when we are eating together. He also links it to the fulfillment of the great commission: "When this gospel is preached as a witness to all the nations, then the end shall come" (Matthew 24:14). Come and learn more about how we can eat strategically, redemptively, and hopefully as we picture the coming kingdom. Eating your way to the end of the age! Is it really that simple? Come and find out.

Jewish Eschatology

Eric Chabot
Luke 12:35-40

The Bible is a Jewish book that speaks of God's redemptive plan - the coming of the Jewish Messiah for the benefit of his people and the entire world. Christians should look to the following questions to impact their view of eschatology: 1) What did the Jewish people believe about eschatology at the time of Jesus? 2) What was the role of the Jewish Messiah and the end of the world? 3) What does the Old Testament teach about eschatology?