A Framework for Predictive Prophecy

Mike Sullivan
Matthew 24:14

God makes it clear throughout the Bible that no one knows the day or hour Jesus will return, but we can get a broad outline of history through Scripture. In particular, the book of Daniel contains numerous visions that, when studied, provide a prophetic framework that informs our view of the future. Although it can be confusing and difficult, this prophecy is an essential part of Scripture that warrants careful study and consideration.

Rapture of the Church

Chris Hearty
1 Corinthians 15:50-52

There are many views about the rapture of the Church and many unknowns surrounding the topic. However, the question is not if it will happen, but when. With many different ideas about what the rapture will be like and when it will take place, it is important to carefully consider what Scripture teaches on the subject.

The Last Days

Timothy Clarke
Luke 21:8-26

The second coming of Christ is a fact and an event that will happen in the near future (remembering that human's view of time is very different than God's). As believers, this is not something for us to fear. Matthew 24 and Luke 21 provide insight into many signs that will take place prior to Jesus' return.

Breaking the Tide of Falsehood

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 3:1-5

Paul warns Timothy about the end times and the false teaching that will infiltrate the church. He encourages Timothy to be in the Word and to avoid myths propagated by older women. Being diligent in the Word is the safeguard against false teaching. Teaching refers to Kroeger and Kroeger's book "I Suffer Not a Woman".

The Old Order Has Passed Away

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 20:7-21:7

The human heart rebels at every chance it gets, but God has gone to the furthest point possible to show that he is loving and just. This is evident in: 1) Satan's destruction; 2) the Great White Throne Judgment ; 3) the Bema Seat Judgment; 4) the creation of new heaven and new earth. In addition, common objections to the concept of hell are addressed, along with the question ?how can a loving God send people to hell??

Eternity Future

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 20:6-22:21

The last piece of John's vision shows Satan being released from his prison. He spends his time deceiving people before being cast into the lake of fire eternally. Those who died are all before God, and he judges them according to their works or by Christ's death, depending on which book their name is in. The Book of Life contains the names of all the people who accepted Christ's death as their payment for sin. Everyone else joins Satan. John sees the new Heaven and Earth brought to life, and God dwells among the people who live there in eternal beauty and security.

A New Beginning

Scott Risley
Revelation 20:7-22:21

We look at end times events following the Millennial Kingdom including the destruction of Satan, the Great White Throne Judgement, and the creation of a physical new heaven and new earth. During the judgment, everyone - dead or alive - will have to answer to God for all of the deeds they have done on the earth. This time will either be a time of intense joy or intense sadness depending upon if you have accepted Jesus' sacrifice on the cross as a payment for your sins or if you are taking the wrath of God on yourself.

The Return of the King

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 19:1-20:6

John's vision shows Heaven cheering at the defeat of Babylon. The triumph of Christ causes worship and celebration. Satan is bound and thrown into a bottomless pit for a time (before he will need to be released again). This vision paints the picture of the ultimate celebration in Heaven, beginning with the return of Christ!

Jesus Returns!

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 19:1-20:6

Jesus is the suffering servant, but He is also the reigning king who judges justly. When He returns He will reign for 1000 years as king of the Earth. Christ's followers will experience a taste of what heaven will be like during his reign. Several views of the millennial kingdom are considered: historical, preterist, idealist, and futurist.