See, Feel and Do

Gary DeLashmutt
Acts 7:16-17

During Jesus' healing ministry he saw the needs of the people, he felt compassion on them, and he acted by healing and showing grace. He teaches that "the harvest is plentiful", there are many more people in need. "But the workers are few", Jesus is seeking people who will see the needs of the people, feel compassion, and act by guiding them to Him.

The Final Road to Rome

Scott Risley
Acts 27:1-28:31

In the last chapters of Acts, we see Paul on his journey to Rome encounter a storm that blows his ship off course and threatens all lives on board. Paul takes this chance to demonstrate spiritual leadership in the face of a difficult situation. Paul is met with much discomfort on this trip to Rome to testify. We can ask ourselves what is our own threshold for discomfort in serving God, and what might God be doing in our lives when He allows difficulties.

Trials in Caesarea

Scott Risley
Acts 23:11-26:32

Paul seizes his moment on trial in Caesarea to give his testimony and reason from the scriptures to many high power individuals. We see how people respond to the Gospel differently but most importantly we see Pauls' dedication to the truth and perseverance through a long imprisonment in Caesarea.

Paul on Trial

Dennis McCallum
Acts 23:1-26:32

Paul is taken to Caesarea to stand trial before the Roma governor. Paul is imprisoned in Caesarea for two years but given enough freedom to allow friends to visit and provide for his needs, which allows Luke to write Acts, and Paul to write the prison epistles. Paul gives the gospel message each time he is brought before the court to respond to charges.

Trials in Jerusalem

Scott Risley
Acts 21:1-23:11

Paul is prophesied to go to Jerusalem where he will be imprisoned. Paul does go to Jerusalem and ends up in front of the Jewish council where he gives the account for why he preaches the Gospel to the Gentiles. Through these events, we learn about God's grace and encouragement that he provides for those who risk everything for the sake of the Gospel.

The Second Journey - Part 3: Corinth

Chris Risley
1 Corinthians 1:26-29

Paul continues to spread the Gospel in Corinth and meets Priscilla and Aquila. He meets resistance in the synagogue and leaves the Jews to preach to the Gentiles. Paul gets a vision from God encouraging him to be bold. We learn about continuing in evangelism with stubborn people.

The Ephesian Experience

Dennis McCallum
Acts 18:22-19:41

Paul enters Ephesus, and by reasoning and persuading, many believe, are baptized, and the growth of Christians multiplies, not just in Ephesus but throughout this Roman region referred to as Asia (see the letters to the seven churches in Revelation). This growth is accomplished by groups of Christians meeting in houses because it was illegal at this time to have a Christian church building.\r\n

The Second Journey - Part 2: Thessalonica and Athens

Scott Risley
Acts 17:1-34

Paul puts his trust in God's will as he is forced out of Thessalonica. We see how Paul uses the scriptures to reason with the people he preached to. He even uses none scripture in his reasoning with the Athenians to point them to God amongst their many idols.

Lessons from Corinth

Dennis McCallum
Acts 18:1-22

Paul arrives in Corinth by himself, but was led to Aquila and Priscilla, Jews exiled from Rome, and stayed with them making tents and persuading Jews and Greeks when not working his trade. When the Jews blasphemed Paul, he devoted his ministry to the Gentiles. When Paul became discouraged and feared for his life, he was encouraged by Jesus in a vision to not be afraid because He was with Paul.