One Size Doesn't Fit All: Finding an Evangelistic Approach that Fits Who You Are

Rich Nathan
1 Corinthians 9:19-23

Like Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:22 we can use many possible means to share the Love of Christ and don't have to be limited to one way. We must first realize that sharing the Gospel is not purely a human effort, but a partnership with God who is already sending the Spirit out to pursue people. Examples of ways to partner with God in order to proclaim Jesus include: 1) personal evangelism, 2) proclamation evangelism, 3) prophetic evangelism, 4) power evangelism, 5) presence evangelism, and 6) prayer evangelism.

Listening in Evangelism

Lee Campbell
1 Corinthians 9:19-23

To grow in listening we need to understand why and how to listen effectively. There are many barriers to being a good listener but with practice and the help of the Holy Spirit, it is possible. To be effective listeners we first need to listen to God, to the culture, and to the people we are talking with. Four reasons why we listen: 1) to represent God; 2) to learn; 3) to love; 4) so they can listen. Often people don't need to be lectured or advised, but need to be listened to so they can come to conclusions and understanding themselves. Six tips of how to effectively listen: 1) be spiritually minded; 2) pay attention to non-verbal communication; 3) be non-judgmental and empathetic; 4) check for understanding; 5) validate what you have heard; 6) ask good questions.\r\n

Sharing the Hope: Understanding Islam (Part 1)

Fouad Masri
1 Corinthians 9:19-23

When sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to a Muslim, it is important to 1) have an understanding of the basic Islamic beliefs and the pillars of Islam, and 2) know the basic similarities and differences between Islamic beliefs and Christianity. One should also always show respect to a Muslims and think of ways to meet them on common ground so that the conversation can always be pointed back to Jesus Christ.

Reaching Couples

Doug Franck
John Rue
John 4:35-38

Starting up a four week series on marriage is a great way to reach out to couples. Through these laid back meetings couples develop a healthier understanding of self, experience sacrificial love, increase their interest in understanding God's perspective, and it opens doors to share the Gospel. It is important to become equipped with relevant material that will help facilitate discussion and to pray that God would bring people closer to Him.

Predictive Prophecy in Evangelism

James Rochford
John 4:35-38

One of the apologetics supplied by the Bible, predictive prophecy, can add credibility to an evangelistic conversation. Study several of the major prophecies and learn about how to use predictive prophecy effectively, including: 1) make conservative claims; 2) do not say "Jesus fulfilled 300 prophecies!"; 3) remember to show what else the Bible says; and 4) read, study, and practice.

The Ungifted Evangelist

Pat Reeder
Colossians 4:3

Sometimes watching people who are gifted evangelists leaves us feeling defeated and even jealous, wishing we had the opportunities or skill to do similar things. God calls all of His believers, however, to share His message no matter their gifting. So for the ungifted evangelist, we must be earnest to pray for opportunities to share our faith and to be persistent in prayer. We often may need to put ourselves out there and fail, and we may need to search for new contacts, seeking ways to direct conversations toward spiritual topics. We too can make a impact for God.

Why Deeds Aren't Enough

Chris Hearty
Colossians 4:3

Chris Hearty, teaching pastor at Xenos, speaks on his own experience in coming to faith as well as why its so important to share the Gospel with others. Our deeds are important - but what we say is too and we cannot share God's truth without uttering His words. God's message is incredible, what a privilege to share it with others!

Crockpot Evangelism: Slow and Steady Success in Personal Evangelism

Todd Stewart
1 Peter 1:13-3:18

Personal evangelism is a process which seeks to cultivate understanding of and establish commitment to a person. This process is much like cooking meat in a crockpot in that it is slow and steady. This slow and steady success will come when we: 1) root our identity in grace (both individually and collectively), 2) give ourselves to cultivating grace-based, outreaching, and welcoming fellowship, 3) vulnerably seek to suffer well for Christ, 4) invite outsiders in all along the way, and 5) dialogue about the Gospel respectfully in the midst of all the above.

Sharing the Hope: Understanding Islam (Part 3)

Fouad Masri
1 Peter 1:13-3:18

There are many ways Muslims are coming to faith in Christ. Christians can take the initiative to share the Good News of Christ by using methods such as: 1) Questions, 2) Bible Verses, 3) Testimonies, 4) Stories, 5) Bible stories, 6) Parables, 7) Proverbs, Idioms, 8) Psalms, 9) Miracles, 10) Gift-giving, and 11) Prayer. Christians need to go the distance in reaching their Muslim friends.