Intro to the Xenos Home Group Model

Phil Franck
Hebrews 10:24-25

The Xenos home group model involves many components. Xenos' model isn't the only model of the best model, but is one that follows the New Testament. Like Jesus' ministry, Xenos started small and grew one small group at a time. Four main areas of focus for home group leaders are: 1) personal growth with God; 2) evangelism; 3) biblical community; 4) discipleship. The way home groups multiply is through developing leaders. Each home group functions independently and also dependently; part of a bigger whole. Overall each home group disciples, teaches, disciplines, and evangelizes independently. They are however under the elders' authority and dependent on their leadership training. With all parts playing their role God grows His Church.\r\n

Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask

Mark Mittelberg
2 Corinthians 10:4-5

There are many difficult topics and questions that people have about God and Christianity. As Christians, we are called to be able to discuss these things and refute arguments that are raised up against God. So often, when we are able to minimize intellectual roadblocks that people have, it opens the door for them to be able to seriously consider the Gospel.

Opening the Door to Divine Encounters

Rich Mendola
Hebrews 13:2

Biblical hospitality is sharing who we are and what we have for the benefit and inclusion of strangers. When we show hospitality to strangers, we open the door for divine encounters to take place. God works through our willingness to welcome people into our homes and lives.

The "Jesus" Test

Doug Pollock
Luke 5:29-32

In our culture today, we get tested on things all the time. But there also exists the "Jesus" test, a test in which not even all who are outspoken Christians pass. Many people think they are passing the Jesus test by obeying religious rituals and withdrawing from sinful people who may rub off on them. These people could not be more mistaken, as it is Jesus who calls us to love the sinners as he did himself. We must recognize that we are all sinners that needed saving, and embrace befriending the "sinners" of our society.

Cross Cultural Ministry for Your Group

Rich Mendola
1 Peter 4:9

As Christians, we are called to go into all the world and share the Gospel with the people of every nation. Right now, people from all over the world are coming here, and we have a great opportunity to fulfill this command in our own city. We are called to show hospitality to strangers, welcoming foreigners, and sharing our lives with them without grumbling. By learning how other cultures do things, we can love and serve people who come from different backgrounds, opening the door to share the good news of Jesus with them.

God Space - Where Apologetics Happen Naturally

Doug Pollock
1 Peter 4:9

Christian author, Doug Pollock, illustrates helpful evangelism strategies and goals through a conversation he once had with a woman while on a flight. As he describes the story, he highlights listening to the Spirit's prompting, asking questions to show interest in a person's life, and finding common ground. As he bridges the conversation into a spiritual topic, he remains a curious listener but also speaks up to help point out to the woman what she has really revealed that she believes. Through this example, we can gain numerous helpful tools for our own evangelism.

Apologetics for Regular People

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 1:16

Not all believers are engaged in regular debates with highly educated scholars and experts. But what is the role of apologetics for those other "regular" people? Apologetics serve to strengthen Christians' faith and help us in our evangelism. Not only verbal but also lifestyle apologetics aid our evangelism, as we live in such a way that helps others see something different and attractive in us and our community. Therefore, we should make an effort to become equipped with and utilize apologetics in our Christian faith.

Faith, Hope and Love

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Faith, hope, and love are the three New Testament values which demonstrate how what we believe, what we long for, and how we live intersect. All of this is based on the message of the gospel. The natural result of these things for the Thessalonians was to spread this message to others.

Lessons from Ephesus

Jim Leffel
Acts 18:21-20:38

During his second missionary journey, Paul visits the city of Ephesus. He stayed at Ephesus for three years, as the city had become a strategic center for spirituality. While there, an amazing spiritual transformation took place as many came to believe in Jesus and remove themselves from occult practices and magic publicly. There was also strong opposition from Demetrius the silversmith, leading to a riot within the city. Before Paul leaves, he gives a farewell address to the leaders of the church at Ephesus, which demonstrates different principles of servant leadership: 1) personal engagement with those who God's put in your lives; 2) telling the truth; 3) answering God's call and being a good steward; 4) looking after and protecting God's people as shepherds of the flock.