The Woman at the Well

Scott Risley
John 4:1-42

Jesus breaks tradition by asking a despised Samaritan woman at Jacob's well for a drink of water. Knowing all about her, he offers her living water, exposes her sordid past, answers her theological questions and reveals his true identity. When she realizes he is the Messiah, she leaves her water jar behind, runs back to the city to tell everyone about Jesus, and many Samaritans come to faith because of her testimony. There is great joy in God working through you to impact others for Him!

Corinth: Paul Tested

Jim Leffel
Acts 18:1-17

During his second missionary journey, Paul visits the city of Corinth. Corinth was a "hub" for spirituality and immorality located near the sea. As Paul interacted with the Corinthians and established a church there, we learn many principles that tested Paul, including: 1) working hard for God by sharing his life with the Corinthians; 2) by becoming at tent maker and being inclusive to the people around him; and 3) encountering fear to speak about God amidst the Corinthians. One of the most important ways to deal with fears is to remember God's promises and how He is actively at work and near us, which motivates us to be faithful with what He has for us to do.

Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally

Jim Leffel
Acts 17:16-34

On his second missionary journey, Paul waits for Silas and Timothy in Athens, where he interacts with Jews and Gentiles. Through their interactions, there are some principles with how to communicate about Christ with people from different cultures: 1) spiritual sensitivity; 2) earning the right to be heard through humility and grace; 3) communicating about who God is and why that matters; and 4) presenting the Gospel as an answer for people's real needs.

The Testimony of John the Baptist

Scott Risley
Matthew 3:13-17

John the Baptist was sent by God with the special purpose of telling people about Jesus. John modeled for us what it looks like to be a good witness for Jesus by 1) meeting Jesus as his Messiah; 2) telling people about Jesus; 3) being humble instead of seeking his own glory; 4) getting to see God's power unleashed. God wants to empower us to be good witnesses for Jesus, too.

Good News Comes to Philippi

Jim Leffel
Acts 16:11-40

During Paul's second missionary journey, he makes a stop at the city of Philippi. During their time at Philippi, they encounter many different people that all come to faith in Jesus. The first is Lydia, a wealthy and single woman selling purple fabrics that is seeking God. The second is a possessed slave girl that is liberated through the good news of God's grace and freed from her bondage. Lastly, the Philppian jailer, while initially uninterested and unmerciful, is shown mercy and comes to know Jesus after coming to the end of his self. Each of these encounters in Philippi reflect the principle that God meets us where we're at and provides us with what we need to find him.

The Help of the Holy Spirit (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
John 15:26-27

How often do we rely on the Holy Spirit to show us opportunities to share Christ with those around us? Even more so, how often are we praying to be able to share Christ effectively? Paul and the apostles knew the power of the Holy Spirit and knew to pray for what they needed - whether that was boldness, to preach clearly, or opportunities to share Christ. This same Spirit is available to all believers in Christ as a helper to us in this fallen world.

First Mission to the Gentiles (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Acts 14:8-18

Paul and Barnabas perform a miracle in Lystra and are mistaken for Greek gods. Paul responds by preaching the gospel, pointing to the evidence God has provided through His creation. Through God's creation we see that He is personal and we as humans bear His image. Through knowing God we can find true fulfillment and significance!

Crossing Paths on the Road of Life

Jim Leffel
Isaiah 53:7-11

Phillip is given a divine appointment on a desert road. He responds and finds an Ethiopian eunuch searching for truth in Isaiah 53. Phillip is able to explain the relevance and significance of this passage, and the eunuch comes to Christ! The Holy Spirit will lead us to divine appointment too, to the "crossroads of time and eternity". Will you walk down that road? \r\n\r\n

Faith In Action

Ryan Lowery
Luke 9:10-17

In the feeding of the 5000 and the sending of the 12, Jesus demonstrates several principles about being a part of God's plan: 1) God supplies the power; 2) the mission is to spread the Word; 3) we are to meet people's needs; 4) we must depend on God for resources; and 5) being faithful is being successful. When carrying out His work, God wants to use us to meet the needs of others as He provides for us.