Ethics and Issues of Conscience

Ryan Lowery
Romans 14:1-23

Paul discusses matters of conscience and how believers should relate with one another on these matters. Rather than judging one another or demanding that people change, Christians should set aside anything that would cause someone to stumble in their faith and focus on remaining unified and focused on what God says is important.

Religion Isn't Enough

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 6:9-13

Despite self-effort, religious zeal and ritual is not the same as real genuine faith in God and often draws people farther away from Him. To have a personal relationship with God, people must acknowledge their own sinfulness in light of God's perfect nature and in faith ask for forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Once that has happened, Christians have the unique ability to tell others about how to start an authentic relationship with God.

Ministry Motives and Methods (Part 1)

Conrad Hilario
Luke 9:37-56

Jesus confronts His disciples' values with five principles about serving Him: 1) requires faith; 2) requires humility; 3) excludes a competitive spirit; 4) should be characterized by love; and 5) starts by aligning yourself with Him.

How Pride Sneaks into our Ministry

Scott Risley
Mark 9:21-29

A man whose son is tormented by an evil spirit begs Jesus to heal him. The disciples could not cast the demon out because they lacked faith. Jesus heals the boy and explains true greatness to His disciples. In this passage the disciples demonstrate their pride in four ways: 1) trusting in themselves; 2) wanting to be the greatest; 3) holding others back; 4) punishing the unresponsive.

Mountaintop Experience

Conrad Hilario
2 Peter 1:16-18

Jesus takes his three closest disciples---Peter, John and James---up to a mountain to pray. There, Jesus transforms into his glorified state. Moses and Elijah meet with Jesus. The disciples hear God's voice call Jesus ?His Chosen One,? referring to the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. This moment displays for the disciples and followers today that Jesus is God's son and the predicted Messiah; he supersedes Moses, the Prophets and the Law. Later in Peter's writings, he refers to this mountaintop experience and how God used it as an encouragement. Believers should enjoy and remember moments when they personally experience God, but we should not rely on the fleeting experiences for our faith alone.

Two Pivotal Decisions

Conrad Hilario
Mark 9:57-62

Jesus asks his disciples who they think he is. Peter responds that he is the Christ, the prophesied Messiah. There are many ways people today respond to Jesus' question regarding his identity, including: 1) he was a simply a good teacher, 2) he was a liar, 3) he was a legend, 4) he was lunatic, or 5) he was indeed the Savior and Son of God. Jesus asks of everyone on earth who do you believe that I am, and all must answer. Of those who want to follow him, Jesus tells his disciples that they must deny themselves and pick up their cross daily. His followers must be willing to endure suffering for his mission.

Why Are You Afraid?

Gary DeLashmutt
Mark 4:35-41

In their fear, the disciples jump to conclusions when they are caught in a storm while on a boat with Jesus. After waking him up and accusing him of being apathetic toward them drowning, Jesus calms the storm and asks them, "Why are you afraid?" Sometimes our circumstances or just our minds can lead us to fear to the point where we forgo our faith. While God does not invalidate our fear, He provides us with a response to it that can lead us to real peace.

Who Touched My Clothing?

Mike Sullivan
Mark 5:21-43

Despite the crowds and confusion, Jesus notices that someone touches his cloak as he and his disciples are walking to an official's house to heal his sick daughter. As Jesus interacts with the woman who touched His cloak, He teaches his disciples, the crowds, and us about his character, the power of faith in him, and how he responds to our requests. The object, not the strength, of our faith is what matters most.

The Disciples Try to Do Some Ministry

Scott Risley
Luke 9:1-17

Jesus and the disciples feed 5,000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fish. In the process, the disciples learn three important ministry lessons: 1) bring to Jesus what you have; 2) God works through weak people; 3) the feeders get extra food.