The Afterlife

Dennis McCallum
1 John 5:13

Paul said to live is Christ and to die is gain. Paul thought he was going to live because he knew God still had plans to use him in the lives of others to share His gospel message. Paul was also secure that if he were to die then he would be going to heaven.

What Does Belief Look Like?

Jim Leffel
Mark 9:14-29

What is the nature of true belief? This story about a doubting father is examined comparing his statement about his faith and doubt against responses he could have given to Jesus. The father didn't say, ?I can't believe because I have my doubts.? Doubt is not a sin, and true faith is possible even in the midst of doubt. God values the willingness to engage with Him regardless of how confident we feel in our faith. Prayer is a means to access God's power in times of doubt.\r\n

Scraps from the Master's Table

Jim Leffel
Mark 7:24-30

Through Jesus' interaction with a Gentile woman from Tyre it is clear the issue with humanity is a matter of the heart. Although the woman is non-Jewish and from a nation that is hostile to Jews she approaches Jesus with humility and faith. The Pharisees and disciples respond with judgment rather than love. Having the heart of God requires having God's perspective that He sent Jesus to save all humanity and no one is better than anyone else.\r\n

Meager Faith Richly Rewarded

Jim Leffel
1 John 5:13

The miraculous healing of Jairus' son and the unclean woman demonstrate that Jesus has the power to overcome death, and his resurrection gives purpose to our lives as Christians. Both Jairus and the woman approached Jesus from a position of weakness and trusted that he would be faithful to his promises to them, and since they acted in faith before seeing God's provision, they both grew in their trust and intimacy with Him.

The Afterlife

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 1:9-10

If there is nothing after death, then this life is meaningless. God has offered us salvation from death through Jesus' death on the cross and He has been working this plan since man first sinned. God wants us to join Him in Heaven for eternity, and all we have to do is accept His free gift of salvation.

The Non-Negotiables

Dennis McCallum
Romans 6:4

Paul emphasized the importance of the Gospel message to the Corinthians, that Jesus died for our sins and was resurrected which demonstrates that he was God and had paid for sin. All we have to do to be made righteous in God's eyes is to accept Jesus' death and resurrection as a payment for our own sins. Nothing should be added or removed from the Gospel that Paul preached.

Nine Principles of "Body Life"

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 12

Paul refers to the church as the Body of Christ. Each person is a part of the body and they interdependently rely on one another to build up the health of the church. We grow in love and understanding as we build authentic deep relationships in a unified group of believers.

Conclusions of Unbelief

Jim Leffel
Mark 3:20-35

Throughout Jesus' ministry, Jesus used miracles to demonstrate his mission and authority, and he often used these signs to challenge his audience to decide who he was for themselves. The scribes believed that Jesus did his miracles by Satan's power, an argument that he subsequently dismantled through logic, and Jesus' family believed that Jesus was taking his claims too far. Jesus taught that believers should be committed to their family but that all human commitments are subordinate to God's Will, and these commitments are best practiced in the context of fellowship with other Christians.

Jesus the Healer

Jim Leffel
John 9:2-3

Throughout his ministry, Jesus makes bold claims about who he is. To back up these claims, he performs many miracles, often in the presence of hostile religious leaders or in the midst of large crowds. From these miracles, we see that Jesus has unique authority. He is able to meet not only the physical needs of people, but our deeper spiritual needs as well.