Marriage (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:31-33

In our culture in which marriages fail at staggering rates, many people wonder how to sustain a healthy intimate relationship. In this passage, Paul takes us back to God's original design for marriage in Genesis and applies the principle of oneness to a truly satisfying life together.

Marriage (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:21-30

Marriage in our culture is in a state of crisis, with half of all marriages ending in divorce and many electing not to get married at all. Added to this is confusion about what the Bible has to say about God's design for marriage. But when we look closely at what the Bible outlines for marriage, we find principles for marriage that can lead to the kind of fulfilling union God intended.

Husbands & Wives

Ben Foust
1 Peter 3:1-9

Peter speaks to the relationship between Christian husbands and wives. Today this passage is often controversial, when ideas like submission and obedience are taken out of their literary and historical context. However, when we interpret Peter's writing in light of context we see God's beautiful plan for a healthy marriage relationship, one in which the husband lays down his life as a servant leader and a wife supports and respects her husband. Such marriages can be lights in the darkness in a society that largely fails in the area of marriage.

Christ over Your Child's Character

Mary Beth Gladwell
1 Peter 3:1-9

God wants to use parents as the primary influence on children to grow them up to be spiritually mature Christ-followers who pursue His will for their lives. Through prayer, teaching, and modeling, parents should train their kids in godly character--to be above reproach, hospitable, generous, self-controlled and practice sexual integrity.

Making the Most of the Early Stages of Marriage

Joey Francisco
Lauren Francisco
1 Peter 3:1-9

Marriage is about oneness and life long commitment, but what we see in our culture is marriage in a deep decline while divorce rates are rising. How do we fight against this cultural trend and have a successful, Christ-centered marriage? We will look at what habits are good to form in the early stages of marriage to lead to success.

The Connection between Simple Living and Spirituality

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 6:6-11

It is important for any Christian to understand the Bible's view of finances. And we all must find the balance of living at the need level and not the greed level; with neither riches nor poverty. The world system promotes materialism. Learning to live simply can help us enjoy life better, be an example to our children, and be better stewards of what we have been given.

What Does it Mean to Be Human?

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 2:5-25

A profoundly important study on what it means to be human. Many voices are clamoring for our attention on this topic with many different answers. There are huge implications to the answers we base our lives on ? will we trust God and His Word and allow Him to transform us according to His design or not?

A New Start

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 8:20-9:29

After the cleansing of the flood, God makes a new promise to never again judge the earth through a flood, not because He thought man could be righteous, but because He would offer a sacrificial substitute for their sins. With this promise, He also gives new instructions that demonstrate the value of human life, and, through Noah's family dealings, makes new predictions about how He will work through human history to bring people to Him, including each one of us.

Talk So Kids Will Listen, Listen So Kids Will Talk

Chris Risley
Genesis 8:20-9:29

Chris Risley makes the observation that we may have learned listening skills with our friends but often don't use those same skills with our children. Parenting is an art as well as a skill we can learn and improve upon. God is eager to grow us a parent and to build strong relationships with our children.