Putting on the New You (Part 2)

Scott Risley
Ephesians 4:26-32

Our new identities in Christ come with several changes, including how we deal with anger and forgiveness. We are not to hold onto our anger, as that only hurts ourselves. Instead, we should make the choice to forgive. Forgiveness does not equal forgetfulness, rather, it is acknowledging that wrong was done and choosing not to dwell or take vengeance. It is more akin to a set of actions or a discipline than a feeling.

Conflict as a Stewardship

Ken Sande
Colossians 3:12-15

Does conflict have a place in advancing God's message? Ken Sande says yes, that we can use conflict as a stewardship opportunity to show people the Gospel. He says that forgiveness is powerful, and if we take what God has done for us and show it to other people, we will make a difference for God. Sande also gives some practicals on how to become a peacemaker.\r\n

Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ

Scott Risley
Ephesians 1:1-10

Paul the apostle describes the blessings God gives to those who begin a personal relationship with Him through Christ. These blessings of: complete forgiveness, adoption into God's family, and insight into God's plan for humanity are not always experienced in daily life. Christians often forget about these blessings, or do not consider them true, or fail to act, and therefore continue to live as orphans apart from God's family. An understanding and belief in the receipt of these blessings is vital for believers in Christ to live out this new identity as God's child and to experience a transformed life.

Wisdom in Interpersonal Conflict

Jim Leffel
James 4:1-12

Wisdom in dealing with interpersonal conflict is given by contrasting worldly friendships with spiritual friendships. Worldly friendships are based on self-centered needs, inordinate desires, and expectations, i.e., "I want things my way or else." Spiritual friendships are rooted in God, honor doing things God's way, and are based on grace.\r\n

The Tongue

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 14:26

James told us that the tongue is hard to control and it can do a lot of damage. What we say can be very encouraging, or dangerously damaging. We are called to speak to others like we are saying the utterances of God.

It Is Finished

Scott Risley
Matthew 27:11-51

Whereas the enemies of God used the cross to kill Jesus, God used it to bring eternal life to whomever puts their faith in Jesus to pay their sin debt. When Jesus said, "It is finished," He was proclaiming the punishment for sin had been fully paid by His death. For anyone who believes, the certificate of debt has been cancelled. Have you asked to have your certificate of debt nailed to the cross? Are you growing in your appreciation of the cross?

Songs of Freedom

Lee Campbell
Psalms 130:1-8

It is easy for us to get an inward focus started when we are confronted with the anxieties and challenges of life. God has given more to free us than anyone else in our lives - He sent His own son to die for our sins so that we could have a relationship with Him. God's provision gives us the capacity to serve others, and we can remember this by turning to Him.

Religion vs. True Spirituality

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 23:1-39

Jesus takes one final shot at the Pharisees, and their legalistic mentality associated with religion. The Pharisees practiced false spirituality by living in hypocrisy, bossing and putting others under legalistic standards and being egotistical. Jesus' life emphasizes what real spirituality looks like: a humble, others-centered lifestyle of love that emphasizes Biblical truth and where what is on the outside reflects the internal change of the heart through loving and trusting God. Jesus came to offer eternal life, while the Pharisees merely wanted to look righteous on the outside, but inwardly were far from God. This religious mentality is a big barrier for people to come to faith in Jesus Christ.

Good Deeds

Jim Leffel
1 Peter 3:9

Do we believe in the truth of the statement from Jesus that it is more blessed to give than to receive? Good deeds are a way to communicate in a way that, where our words may cause offense, what we do cultivates understanding and a desire to learn more. When we are able to sacrificially serve and help those around us we are putting the Gospel on display to a witnessing world.