New Creatures

Mike Sullivan
2 Corinthians 5:14-21

Three features of being a new creature in Christ are one, that we have a new motivation for a new life, second, we have a new way to measure success, and third, we have a new role as "sent ones." Our new motivation is to no longer live for self but to life for Christ. We no longer measure success as the world does, but we see people with new eyes. We now have a new role as ambassadors of Christ, entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation.

What's Wrong with Humans?

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 2:1-10

Our sin is a big barrier between us and God. Our fall from grace has led to alienation from God. But God in His mercy offers us forgiveness through the death of His son Jesus. When we believe and accept this offer of forgiveness, God gives us a new identity which we then gradually grow into it. Religion is the performance of religious laws, but Jesus offers instead a relationship based on personal love.

Our Problem and God's Solution

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 2:1-10

Humans have a serious problem and most are unaware they are in trouble. People think evil lives in the heart of men like Adolph Eichmann, Hitler's architect of the Holocaust. But the reality is that evil resides in all of our hearts and there is nothing we can do about it. But God has a solution for our deepest need. He offers forgiveness if we will acknowledge our moral failings and our need for His forgiveness. In order to appreciate the Good News, we must hear the bad news first.

Loving Your Enemies

Clive Calver
Ruth Calver
Ephesians 2:1-10

For Jesus' followers there is no getting around the often difficult command to love our enemies. It can be very difficult, but is the hallmark of the Christian faith. Dr. Calver and his wife gives 10 practical tips for succeeding at this call, including putting yourself in their shoes, working to accept them as they are, finding something in them to love, and reaching out to them with the gospel.

Every Spiritual Blessing In Christ

Scott Risley
Ephesians 1:1-14

When you have been adopted as His child and and completely forgiven by the loving God of the universe, it can be quite difficult to believe. But once you believe, nothing is ever the same again. All the promised blessings in Christ are yours the moment you believe.

The Resurrection

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 28:1-20

The resurrection of Jesus after His crucifixion is essential to Biblical faith. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then His sacrifice was not acceptable to God and we are still dead in our sins. This extraordinary claim deserves an extraordinary examination. There is powerful historical evidence for this claim. If you doubt these claims, have you truly examined the historical evidence?

The Cross

Ryan Lowery
Romans 5:7-9

The cross of Christ is where God demonstrated His love for a rebellious and sinful people by sacrificing His son, Jesus, on the cross to pay for our sin debt. The cross allowed a way for a hopelessly sinful people to be reconciled to a perfect God. How absurd is it for Christians to be antisemitic and blame the Jews for Jesus' death! God's act of love at the cross should impact the way we view others.

Difficult Days Ahead

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 3:1-5

Paul warns Timothy about the difficult times preceding Jesus' return, stating that people will be hypocrites, without love, and unforgiving. Paul tells us to have nothing to do with such people, but to instead strive for a Christ-like character. \r\n

Spiritual Lessons from Paul's Associates

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 4:7-17

A study of the associates of Paul who ministered with him can reveal many spiritual lessons. Three lessons we can learn from his fellow-workers in Christ are behind-the-scenes ministry roles are essential, our God is the God of second chances and intercessory prayer is a powerful ministry.