Freedom from the Guilt and Shame Trap

Sara Bott
Zephaniah 3:11

Guilt relates to specific actions we may wrongly commit, while shame is the negative defining of self. Shame is rooted in identity. God calls us to have humility and repentance for the wrong things we do, but he offers us freedom from having a life that is persistently defined by guilt and shame. In order to gain victory from this trap, we must assess the differences between positive shame and guilt and negative shame and guilt. Seeking freedom allows transformation, intimacy with God and others, and ownership of our new identity in Christ. This workshop includes several practical ways to help move away from the negative uses of guilt and shame.

Created for Good - Restoring Hope in Our Christian Lives

Brian Adams
Katie Adams
Romans 7:24-25

The fear of falling from grace can at times cripple us, especially when we see other spiritual leaders fall. But while we are capable of evil, we have been created for glory. God created us for good, and he offers his comfort for the fearful. By observing the transformation of the apostle Peter we see a model of grace's power to provide hope and change. In fact we see powerful transformations scattered across the Bible! These examples and truths give us hope in our own Christian lives.

Joy & Grace

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:22-24

The apostle Paul tells us that one of the best ways to safeguard our relationship with God is to rejoice in Him. And because of the mercy which God has for us, we can press on toward transformation in the Christian life.

Grace and Goals

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 9:23-27

God pursues concrete goals and we are made in his image so we can make goals under God's direction. Refusing to set or pursue concrete goals may be sinful and reflecting a sluggard (lazy) attitude.

Goals and Grace

James Rochford
Matthew 25:24-29

Paul uses athletic imagery to encourage Christians to reach for more in their walks with God. He indicates that rewards await us in heaven as we strive and succeed in our work for God. This teaching covers godly reasons for setting realistic goals and working hard to meet them in your walk with God.

Using the Law Lawfully

Mike Sullivan
Romans 7:6

It can be difficult to understand the role of the Law in the life of a Christian. Misunderstand and it can cause trouble in our relationship with God. Correctly understood and it can bring life. This teaching talks about the role of the Law and how to use it properly.

God's Wisdom and Dealing with Conflict

Scott Risley
1 Corinthians 6:1-8

God's wisdom offers ways to deal with conflict in a healthy way. In this teaching, we'll look at 5 steps to resolving conflict.

Shining Light in a Dark Place

Conrad Hilario
Acts 18:1-18

In this introduction to the book of 1 Corinthians, we learn that God can meet us where we are, even in the murkiest of places. Those who know Him are called to shine as beacons of light, holding out the abundant grace of God in a dark world.

Two Ways to Contribute to Your Church's Health

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 3:24

It is easy to develop a consumer mentality when it comes to church. The Bible prescribes a different way. Instead of taking, we can be part of contributing to a church community. This includes properly understanding the role of God's law and also to appreciate God's grace.