God's Rest

Cathy Treyens

Biblical rest is an active to choice to trust God. It includes trusting His unconditional affection towards us, His power to work through us, and His ability to change us. It also means we stop trusting that our good works earn His acceptance. As we rest in God's unfailing love for us, we are able to work out of His grace to love and serve Him and those around us.

Parents and Children

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:1-4

Living a purpose-centered life applies to all of the relationships believers have with each other, including parents to children and vice versa. Children are to obey and honor their parents for their own benefit. Parents should avoid performance-based acceptance and disengaged relationships and keep four points in mind: 1) knowing & serving God is the purpose of life and the primary goal of parenting, 2) gain awareness and development of personal strengths, 3) be aware of how their strengths can be a deficit & ability to grow in self-discipline in these areas, and 4) know how to address sin patterns. Most importantly, parents need to stand under grace and keep learning humility.

Paul's Speech at Ephesus

Dennis McCallum
Acts 20

Paul's defends himself as a Christian worker to the elders in the Ephesian church. In this discourse, we see 11 central themes of effective Christian ministry.

Heart of the Christian Walk

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:1-14

The heart of the Christian walk is imitating God. Christians live their lives trying to relate to others the way God relates to them. They live "in the light" and demonstrate the gospel by the way they live. They are a contrast to the world, not partakers of it. The text pleads for consistency in Christian living for the sake of its witness.

Walk as Light

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:3-14

God has rescued humans through Christ's death. Once we have a relationship with Him, He calls us to live our lives by walking in light as a demonstration to those in darkness. This looks like demonstrating the gospel in our daily lives and witnessing by contrast, not judgment. The text recognizes the struggle involved in trying to live this way.

Walking in Love

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:25-5:2

The believer's new way of living is set inside a framework of grace. It's substance is love, which includes speaking truth, avoiding apathy and uncontrolled or misplaced anger, being careful in speech, encouraging, and giving forgiveness. The only way to achieve this kind of love is through remembering Christ's sacrifice to also forgive believers.

The Critical Divide

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 5:1-4

Paul and Barnabas fight against the Pharisee's legalistic teaching being spread in Antioch. They take a firm stand and sharply dispute it. They remind people they are made right with God through grace and not by following the law. Peter also speaks up and supports Paul and Barnabas by delivering the same message about grace. Understanding grace and the relationship God offers has a transformative effect that produces freedom and results in a life of giving love. This life is satisfying and exciting.\r\n

Paul's First Journey (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 13:1-49

Paul and Barnabas are sent out by the Holy Spirit on their first missionary journey. As they travel from city to city, they teach the Good News that people are made right with God through believing in Jesus and not by their works. They teach the history of God's work through Israel and the coming and death of Jesus. This message is from the Creator and important for all people because God's love is for all people. Throughout their missionary journey they experience the positive impact and power from the Holy Spirit's work along with opposition.\r\n

A Prayer for Supernatural Power

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 3:14-21

We are often paralyzed by our weaknesses, unable to see God at work. We need God's supernatural power to understand His incredible unconditional love. He meets all of our needs and so much more, and wants us to experience His love in a deep and lasting way!