Truth and Transformation

Jim Leffel
Titus 3:4-8

Titus sums up his argument that once we were sinful and apart from God, but now we have been saved by Grace. From this salvation, believers can go out and radically impart God's love onto others.

Spritual Adultery with the World-system

Gary DeLashmutt
James 4:1-10

James writes a blunt letter to bring his audience back to true spirituality. Their relational conflicts reveal a deeper issue of disordered desires and dysfunctional prayer-lives. Their love of the world-system has led them to be unfaithful to God. James calls them to restoration by returning to the Lord and rejecting the world-system's values. God will liberate them to live for Him and He will welcome them back into His loving presence.

God Our Savior

Jim Leffel
Titus 2:11-14

The human condition is a problem of lack of hope, of guilt, of alienation, and of purposelessness. But God is the solution to all of these problems. He gave Himself up for us so that He could redeem us, give us blessed hope, remove our guilt, purify us for His own and give us an eternal purpose.

God's Good News

Ben Foust
Romans 1:1-7

The book of Romans is the Good News of God about the essential issue of mankind. God has done something so that we can come to Him and have a right relationship with Him, in this life and the next. The Gospel is about Jesus, sent from the Father, born into the human race, evidenced by miracles, died on the cross and rose from the dead, and provided the way for all people to be reconciled to God.

Exchanging the Old Self for the New Pt2

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:29-32

Exchanging the old self for the new self first involves having peace with God. As a new Christian, you have laid aside the old self and the new self has been put on. This is the work of God. Now, you live out this new reality by recognizing this truth. With this new identify, peace with others is God's will for you. Commit to getting guidance needed to resolve conflict or resentment.

Grace to Give

Mike Sullivan
2 Corinthians 8-9

God wants Christians to be generous and will give great opportunities to be generous. Grace-based giving is not bound by our circumstances. It is inspired by Christ. Grace-based giving shares resources with those in need and is accountable to handle money in an honorable way. Grace-based giving remembers God's role in supplying the resources to give. Grace-based giving results in recipients giving thanks and glorifying God.

Exchanging the Old Self for the New Self

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:21-28

If you are forgiven in Jesus, you have a new birth, a new identity. This new birth means you have to believe and live in that identity. Believing and living in this new identity releases God's power to transform your mind which leads to living a life of love.

True Repentance

Mike Sullivan
2 Corinthians 7:5-16

The Greek word for repentance means to change your mind. True biblical repentance means changing your mind about what you did. First, go to God and acknowledge your sin. Focus on His kindness. You need God's resources to change. You will receive healing, and release from regret.

Building Up the Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:7-16

Building up the Body of Christ involves using the gifting one received upon conversion in an attitude of love. The goal is for everyone to use their gifting to help others to attain spiritual maturity. Paul calls all Christians to make every effort to learn to love and build up others in the Body.