Faith In Jesus

Mike Sullivan
Mark 4:35-5:43

The two stories of Jesus healing Jairus' daughter and the woman with a bleeding disorder teaches us that Jesus can heal hopeless conditions, but He does not always heal people. Jesus' healing miracles are a glimpse into His future kingdom. Jairus and the woman had weak faith but the object of their faith was worthy.  Can the object of your faith bear the weight of eternity?

The Jesus I Thought I Knew

Mike Sullivan
Mark 1:14-3:6

Do You Want to Get Well?

James Rochford
John 5:1-24

The religious mentality and the victim mentality share the same traits of being judgmental, angry, bitter self-absorbed and ultimately harmful.  Do you want to keep blame-shifting or do you want to get well? 

When God Offers to Heal You, Say Yes

Brian Adams
John 5:1-24

We have ample evidence the Bible is trustworthy, so when God makes us an offer, we should say yes without hesitancy, excuses, or complaining.  The religious mentality is catastrophic to our spiritual life, whereas, living under grace is the best way to live.