Enduring Injustice

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 2:11-25

Inevitably, every Christian encounters injustice from others. Though our indignation in the face of evil is a correct response, we are meant to fight injustice by proclaiming the humility and love of Christ.

The Way Up Is Down

Mike Sullivan
Matthew 20:17-28

According to Jesus, spiritual leaders must have the attitude of a servant. He modeled these principles through his life, death, and teaching. Ultimately, leadership greatness can only come from God through the service of others as we trust him to lift us up.

Power In Weakness

Mike Sullivan
1 Corinthians 1:26-29

Many hold the view that weakness interferes with our service to God. But according to the Bible, spiritual power is found in weakness. Adverse circumstances can actually turn out to be opportunities to experience God's power. Honesty concerning weakness protects us from two pitfalls that can prevent us from receiving spiritual power: self-exaltation and self-sufficiency.

Freedom and Slavery

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 5:13

The Bible tells us to consider ourselves as utterly free yet at the same time as slaves. Christ has purchased our freedom from slavery to: humans, the Law, and sin. However, this freedom is also for the purpose of become "slaves" to God, and our experience of this freedom increases through choosing to live as slaves according to God's design.

When God Calls

Scott Risley
Exodus 2:11-4:20

When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses focused on his own failures and inadequacies and did not want to do it. God responded by challenging Moses to trust in God's plan, presence, and power. When God calls us, we must follow his lead and rely on the same promises God gave to Moses.

Living Out of Our New Identity

Conrad Hilario
1 John 4:20

Now that Paul has established theological truths for the Colossians, he goes into detail about how these truths can be applied to life. Paul describes characteristics of a Christian who is believing and acting on his new identity in Christ. A sanctified believer embodies qualities such as: compassionate, kind, humble, gentle, patient and forgiving.

Husbands and Wives

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:21-22

It is clear that the ethical thinking of Christianity has been very progressive, as Christ turns traditional gender-based power structures on their head. The Bible presents husbands and wives as unified equals. The Bible calls wives to allow their husbands to lead as husbands are called to love their wives with the sacrificial love of Christ.

A Life Changed By God (Part 1)

Ryan Lowery
Colossians 3:12-13

Once we become Christians, we have a new identity. When we invite God into our life, we have the choice to let Him use us to change the world, but we have to say yes to Him changing us first. In the apostle Paul's letter to the Colossians, he lists two ways God wants to grow us: teaching us to put others first and how to forgive others.

Judge Not!

Jim Leffel
Matthew 18:15-16

Judge not so you will not be judged and "take the log out of your own eye". These are some of the most famous verses from Jesus' sermon on the mount that are still referenced today. Are you someone who is always confronting others about how they messed up? The Bible lays out a path to confront a brother or sister, not through self-righteousness, but in love and also how to restore them in grace.