The Us vs. Them Mentality

Ryan Lowery
John 4:20-24

The Bible promotes a peaceable and loving attitude towards others, instead of an us vs. them mentality. After the transfiguration, Jesus says that we should be at peace within Christian community instead of competing for dominance. He also teaches that we should be at peace with different Christian communities instead of writing off their good work. Finally, we are to be peaceable towards non-Christians without giving up our stance on truth.

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

Gary DeLashmutt
John 9:1-41

Jesus backs up his claim to be the light of the world by giving a blind man sight. The blind man receives not only sight but also spiritual insight because he was open to instruction and responds to Jesus, while the Pharisees become more blind through their rejection of this miracle. Willingness to change and humility to admit blind spots is the key to growing spiritually while ignoring counsel and prideful stubbornness can poison spiritual health.

Nichodemas & John the Baptist

Jeff Gordon
John 3:1-36

Jesus refers back to an event in the Old Testament when Moses lifted up a snake in the wilderness to be looked upon for personal salvation. Jesus likens himself to the snake, in such a way that he too will be lifted up and looked upon for personal salvation. We need spiritual rebirth which can only come through humble faith in Jesus Christ.

3 Examples of Faith

Ryan Lowery
Luke 7:36-50

The Biblical definition of faith means trusting and living out God's promises and priorities. In the example of the Roman centurion, Jesus proves that faith trumps demographics. Simon the Pharisee judged Jesus rather than seeing his own failure. Finally, the sinful woman let nothing stand between her and meeting Christ, and as a result, found forgiveness from him.

The New Wine

Gary DeLashmutt
John 2:1-11

Jesus performs his first miracle at a wedding in Cana of turning water into wine. This miracle reveals three important aspects of Jesus' character. First, Jesus is life affirming and his existence enables joy in our life. Second, he is a humble servant who uses his authority to serve in a non-boisterous way. Third, he replaces external religion with internal life; this is deliberately symbolized by the way he performs the miracle.

The Intimate Gospel

Jim Leffel
John 21:1-17

John's gospel ends with a clear and crucial application of the cross: a response to failure centered around grace instead of punishment. Jesus asks Peter if he loves him not to bury Peter in shame but to guide him to the path of reconciliation. When we fail at loving people, whether or not we receive God's grace will shape our lives and ability to be used for the glory of God.

Jesus Is Born

Ryan Lowery
Luke 2:7-52

When God entered into humanity through Jesus, he was a polarizing figure. Three scenes from Jesus' childhood confirm that Jesus was the promised Christ but also hint that there is more to the story than a conquering king. Jesus was willing to do the right thing even if it came at the cost of popularity, and he was also willing to take a position of sacrifice in order to lift up the undeserving.

Spiritual Confidence

Jess Lowery
Luke 2:7-52

Confidence can sway in two opposites: arrogance or a low and guilty view of self. The Biblical picture of confidence is rooted in knowing one's identity in Christ. The Gospel permits a steady assurance of God's truth to lead Christians' lives.

The Order of the Towel

Jim Leffel
Luke 22:24

On the night before his crucifixion, Jesus had dinner with his disciples in the Upper Room to prepare them for their future work. While they argued amongst themselves who was the greatest disciple, Jesus began to wash their feet. He taught them about servant leadership through his humble actions and left us an example to follow. Do we believe true fulfillment is found when we put the needs of others before ourselves?\r\n