Power through Weakness

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 12:9

The relationship between power and weakness is a key theme throughout the Bible. God's wisdom says that power is available to those who trust in God and realize their weakness apart from Him. As a result, powerful people can boast in God and their weakness while enjoying a level of contentment as they learn to depend on Christ's power to work through them more. Christ's power empowers us to serve others, be nourished by God's Word, and endure difficulties in spite of our human weaknesses.

Walk According to Your Calling

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 4:1-6

Now that believers have a purpose and a calling, there is a process of discovering and growing in God's calling. There are three aspects of this process. It includes growing in: 1) humility and gentleness; 2) patience, forbearance, and love; and 3) unity of community, faith, and hope.

The Upper Room

Dennis McCallum
John 13:1-17

Practicing a self-sacrificial, others-centered lifestyle is actually far more fulfilling and joyful than living a life serving self. Christ was the ultimate example of this as he chose to take the role of a lowly servant and washed his disciples' feet the night before his death.

The Light of the World

Dennis McCallum
John 8

God is not looking for people who are free from sin and need no help. Instead, He is looking for people who are aware of their sin and willing to receive help. The blind man admitted that he could not see and needed the light of the world. The Pharisees, on the other hand, were blinded by their pride but thought that they didn't need help. Jesus will respond to those who admit they need help with freedom that leads to joy.

Fulfilling the Law of Christ

Jim Leffel
Galatians 6:1-5

The Law of Christ can be seen through our ability to lovingly restore other Christians, as well as bear others burdens. We are called to bear burdens, while helping others learn how to bear their own loads and learn how to walk according to the Holy Spirit and grow spiritually. As we invest in deep love relationships, God is able to use us in others lives to draw closer to Him and see real transformation.

Solomon: the Half-Hearted King

Scott Risley
1 Kings 3-11

Solomon, the third king of Israel, had godly aspirations, a humble heart, and God's covenant promises. He was set up for great success. In spite of this, Solomon later chose compromise over wholehearted commitment to God. We learn the importance of clinging to God's instruction over our own plans. Solomon's reign highlights God's generosity, sovereignty, and integrity.

The Great Secret: Dealing with Negativity

Dennis McCallum
Romans 8:5-7

Paul called the Philippians to set their minds on the good things that are true of them in Christ. Paul found contentment in rejoicing in God's Love and trusting in His provision. Our relationship with God gives us a firm basis for joy.

A Key to Spiritual Greatness

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 12:1-10

Paul's great vision provides insight into spiritual greatness as he encountered a thorn from Satan. God is able to give sufficient grace to bear the thorns in our lives in a victorious way. God is powerful and can work through our thorns to impact others powerfully for the sake of Christ. As we embrace our weakness before God, He is able to bring about His power, along with fruitful blessings.

Working Out What God Has Put In

Dennis McCallum
Acts 16:31

Paul calls us to work out our salvation, in other words, living out our salvation. We are called to forgive one another and move towards one another in love. We have been forgiven so much, so we should be free to forgive others.