Vanishing Returns of Life Away from God

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:17-24

Before one becomes a Christian, they are living for self, and have put sensuality at the center of their life. Sensuality always demands more and more to satisfy. Thus, the Law of Vanishing Returns. But as a Christian, one learns to set aside self and be renewed in the spirit of one's mind. By pursuing God and being transformed by His love, Christians become more like God and grow in their ability to love and serve others like He does.

Unity in Christ

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 4:1-4

When Paul calls Christians to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit, he is pointing out that we already have unity in Christ. It is not something we have to generate, but it does take effort to preserve it. We have been formed into "one people" the moment we are united in Christ, but it takes walking in a manner worthy of our calling to demonstrate this unity. Being humble, gentle, patient, and forebearing with one another is living a life worthy of the calling we have received.

The Unity of the Spirit

Scott Risley
Ephesians 4:1-6

In Chapters 1-3, Paul emphasizes the "Sit" phase of a Christian's life, where he learns to embrace all the things God has done for him. In Chapters 4-6, he talks about the "Walk" phase , where the Christian learns to "Walk" in a manner worthy of his calling. Based on all the wonderful things God has done for him, the Christian must walk in such a way that he demonstrates humility, gentleness, patience, and forbearance. A Christian that walks in this manner will preserve the unity of the Body of Christ that Christ provided for us.

Serving Others Leads to Joy

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 2:17-18

Paul gladly poured out his life in service to the Philippians. He viewed it as a privilege that brought him joy. He wanted them to likewise pour out their lives in service to others. We can find four tips for embracing a lifestyle of sacrificial service to others in Philippians 2:19-30. Tip #1: Focus on the spiritual welfare of a few specific people. Tip #2: Serve with other servants. Tip #3: Be willing to serve in whatever ways are needed. Tip #4: Be willing to take some risks in your service.

Humble Ambition: A Contradiction or God's Desire for Us?

Philippians 2:17-18

Paul argues that it is a noble ambition to aspire to the role of a spiritual leader. However, for many of us, the godly desire to influence others is polluted by our arrogance and self-promotion; for others, our insecurity and fears keep us from sharing in this aspiration. This session will explore how to develop godly ambitions.

The "Downward" Call of God

Mike Woods
Philippians 2:17-18

Most of us want to be recognized, valued, and seen as someone of consequence. This is true in a culture that highly values status and accomplishment. It is also true within the church. This session explores Jesus' radical alternative to a pitfall that can so easily neutralize us from a life of fruitful ministry and promises true honor.

First in the Kingdom

Conrad Hilario
Matthew 20:20-28

In the world, it is common to fight for the high spot, but Jesus calls his followers to seek to serve instead of seeking status. It's easy to regard Christianity and Christian community as a consumer rather than a contributor, but Jesus does not promise another "self care" approach and is not a "brand" to improve our reputation. As we seek to serve, taking the low spot and working out of a love for Christ, God will open the door to meaningful service and a sense of unique purpose in His kingdom.

Humility and Unity

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 2:3-13

The Word of God calls Christians to pursue humility and unity in the Body of Christ. Unfortunately, our fallen natures will always be attracted to to pride and repelled by humility. Therefore, we need divine resources for this heart-transformation. Jesus' example inspires us with gratitude and vision to follow His example. God's Spirit is constantly at work in us to enable us to grow in humility and love.

A Solid Foundation in All Circumstances

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 2:8-26

Paul writes to Timothy to have hope in Christ, even if our circumstances our bad, reminding ourselves of our eternal salvation. He urges us to turn away from wickedness and watch out for false teachers. Lastly, Paul calls us to pursue a life of righteousness, peace, faith, and love so that we may be used as instruments to the Lord.