Parenting Rooted in the Word

Laura Stoddard

As parents, when we are rooted in the Word, we can rest in the goodness of God, our new identity as his beloved child, and we have confidence in the direction God will give us. When we are rooted in in Him, we know have a loving God who will never leave us or forsake us, he communicates to us through the bible, and we know our needs will be met and we can grow. As we wrestle through these truths, we model for our children how to learn them as well.

A "Post-Covid" Missiology:Three Ongoing Realities

Ed Stetzer

Ed Stetzer, an expert in missiology, or the study of the church's mission to share the message of the Gospel, shares three realities of the Covid 19 pandemic that impact the church's work. First, Covid has caused a cultural convulsion that has rocked peoples' trust in institutions, politics, and even one another. Second, Covid is adding fuel to a Great Sort that is happening in society. People, in their disorientation are seeking security in groups who agree with their views, leading to an "us against them" mentality. Third, Covid is revealing layers of disengagement. Churches are finding their members either becoming more committed, or hanging on and waiting to see, or disconnecting altogether.

Mission Drift

Mike Sullivan
John 20:19-21

In a culture of heated debate it's easy for Christians to drift away from the main mission of the the church: to share the good news of forgiveness through Jesus' death on the cross, and to persuade people to consider it. Mission drift can easily happen during certain times, including when in "survival mode," when in great wealth, and when we focus only on doing good works. It's important to acknowledge the tendency to drift, and continually focus on our identity--"in Christ"--and the true mission of sharing Christ with a world in need.

What Is Man?

Mike Sullivan
Psalms 8

When the Psalmist considers the question of what is man, he recognizes that the basis for understanding man is to understands who God is. God displays His might through the weak. With God, even the weakest people can do great things. In His mercy, He confers dignity on us. Humans bear the image of God. God send us into the world to rule by making us co-rulers with Him. Jesus asks us to use the great power and resources we have as co-rulers to serve others.

Can Our Achievements Bring Satisfaction?

Scott Risley
Ecclesiastes 4:4-12

Even though King Solomon was the most accomplished ruler of all time, in the end he found all his accomplishments to be meaningless apart from God. He found that in spite of all his extraordinary accomplishments, he was alone. He was at the top and had no one to share it with. He discovered it was better to have less and a friend to share it with because "two are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed."

The Pursuit of Achievement and Success

Conrad Hilario
Ecclesiastes 2:17-23

King Solomon, having already determined that pursuing wonton pleasure does not lead to a meaningful life, now turns his attention to attaining achievement and material success. But once again he comes up empty. He understands all his toil and anxious striving only leads to grief and pain, and restlessness. The Bible does not teach that work is sinful, but seeking ones significance from work is. There is a type of work that is meaningful, due to its enduring quality. When we pursue the work of the Lord, we will find significance and meaning.

Dynamics of Renewal in Christ

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:5-11

When we become believers in Jesus, God embarks on a renewal process that involves us putting on Christ and setting aside the old self, the old way of life. We can know intellectually that we are a new creation, but we must go deeper and really consider our bodies to be dead to the old immoral ways. As we are clothed in the newness of Christ, all the differences between people falls away. We are one in Christ. This is real hope for a broken world. It cannot be lived out individualistically. It is lived out corporately, united with one another.

With Christ:Past,Present,Future

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:1-4

Just as nothing can change the details of our past, neither can anything change the fact of our justification if we are in Christ. If we are in Christ, it is a fact that we are raised and seat with Him. Now, our life is completely identified with Christ's life. What is true off Jesus is true of us. And finally, when Jesus is revealed in glory, so will we. Knowing all these things are true, we are to keep our eyes focused on Christ and the things above.

When God Became One of Us:Implications of the Incarnation of Christ

Jim Leffel
Colossians 2:8-15

The incarnation of Jesus Christ is the most central truth of the New Testament. Christ did what for us what only God could do for us. It is through the incarnation of Jesus that we can know God. Christ answers our need to know God, our need to be worthy and our need to matter. In Christ, God made us whole. He became our proxy. What is true of him is true of us. He took our place and paid the price to free us from our sin debt.