Ministering Because I Matter

Mateo Williamson
1 Timothy 1:12-16

Do I serve God in order to matter, or because I already matter? Any Christian that is trying to serve the Lord will wrestle with this question many times over. This workshop will explore approaching ministry God's way-not to prove myself to God and others-but to "love from a pure heart and a good conscience and sincere faith."

Jesus and Zacchaeus

Ben Foust
Luke 19:1-10

The lesson we can learn from Jesus' interaction with Zacchaeus, the tax collector, is if you are lost, Jesus is seeking you. The way Jesus initiated with the this most hated man is typical of his posture toward all people. He showed him mercy, grace, honor, and acceptance, as well as included him in the family of God. Jesus' only prerequisite is to acknowledge your "lostness." Being "found" by Jesus dramatically changes the course of people's lives just as it did with Zacchaeus, who made four-fold restitution and gave away half his possessions after being "found."

How to Become Spiritually Stable

Chris Hearty
Philippians 4:1-9

\r\nPaul describes to the Philippians how to stand firm in the Lord. Experiencing the peace of God is one way of knowing that you are in the will of God. He lists seven ways we can become spiritually stable. Have unity and humility in relationships. Cultivate a heart of joy. Become a person that is easy to please. Live with expectancy that Jesus is returning soon. Replace anxiety with prayer. Think about the positive things listed in verse 8. The facts in our heads should become truth in our hearts and lead to action in our lives.

Taking a Stand

James Rochford
Philippians 1:27-30

Standing for Christ by standing firm in one spirit and of one mind makes sense because the mission is eternal and therefore worth the sacrifice. Our real citizenship is in heaven and we will be there relatively soon and for ever. Christian community for its own sake is fruitless. It must be in the context of a common mission of sacrificial servant love. Is it difficult? Yes, but so worth it!

Standing Firm Together

Chris Hearty
Philippians 1:27-2:4

Paul wants the Philippians to be standing together, striving together in the faith. As duel citizens of earth and heaven, Paul calls them to live out their lives on earth in such a way as to honor their heavenly citizenship. Do not substitute the truth of God for a lie. Stand firm in the truth of who they are in Christ.

United We Stand

Scott Risley
Philippians 1:27-2:4

As Christian's, we carry dual citizenship of both heaven and a hostile, earthly world. We are under fire here, while we wait for heaven. Paul calls the Philippians, and us, to stand firm, and strive together, remembering who we are and why we are here. We are united in faith in Christ, as we hold forth the Good News

No Partiality

Ryan Lowery
James 2:1-13

James is teaching to a Jewish Christian audience in the early years after Jesus' ministry when Christianity was only a decade old. The Jews were experiencing a major spiritual paradigm shift. in their previous faith, they tended to view people and treat people based on their success or status. James emphasizes not showing favoritism in the Body of Christ but to treat all people as equally valuable, children of God. God does not look at the outer man but at the heart

Who Do You Say That I Am?

Conrad Hilario
Mark 8:27-37

In this passage, Jesus asks his disciples a question of critical importance, "Who do you say that I am?" It's one that Jesus' disciples had to answer and one we will ultimately have to answer.

Brought Near

Ben Foust
Ephesians 2:11-20

As Paul details the incredible blessings we have in Christ, he reminds his audience how Jews and Gentiles were reconciled together by God. God can overcome any human divisions, and both the ?far off? and the ?near? can be reconciled to God together into one new man.