Filled to Overflowing

Jim Leffel
Romans 15:13

God wants to fill us so completely that we overflow with peace and joy in abundance. Just like Paul's Roman audience, modern Christians live stress-filled lives that leave us too often feeling depleted, running on empty. The answer to feeling empty is to thirst for God. As you trust in him, he will fill you to overflowing with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Fruit of the Spirit

James Rochford
Galatians 5:22-25

What is the secret to becoming a more loving, courageous, happy, and patient person? With characteristic depth of insight, Paul shows us as he concludes Galatians chapter 5.

Joy and Suffering

Patty Young
James 1:2-8

Even though it is disheartening to hear as Christians, we will experience various trial, it is also true we can experience joy in the midst of difficult times. James is telling us the key is where we place our focus. By making a deliberate choice to focus on the attributes of God, His character, His promises, His faithfulness, we will experience joy in the middle of suffering.

Spiritual Growth under Trial

Dennis McCallum
James 1:1-8

Spiritual growth under trial takes a believer from the point of having begun a relationship with God to the level of a mature, strong follower who God can use in advancing His plan in the world. A believer who lives out James' teaching will be able to actively practice gratitude in the midst of trials, gradually become incredibly stable, be shaped by brokenness so God can use him more, and become wise.

From Trials to Triumph

Chris Hearty
Hebrews 12:2

James tells us when we endure trials to recognize the reality of the situation; Experiencing trials is inevitable for everyone. Believers, though, can actually respond to trials with a deliberate attitude of joy. We can have this attitude because we know the testing of our faith is not to see if we have any, but to strengthen it as metal-smith refines gold to remove its impurities and to strengthen the gold.

Finding Peace: The Science of Happiness, Part 1

Scott Risley
Hebrews 12:2

Today we are seeing a dramatic increase in depression, anxiety, and self-harm. Recent studies have shown that many of the things we mistakenly believe will make us happier, such as wealth or achievement, often take time away from the things that actually do bring happiness--things like relationships and gratitude. These scientific findings confirm what was written in the bible millennia ago, and in the Bible we find a more complete path to happiness, a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Living in Unity

Chris Hearty
Romans 15:1-13

Living in unity requires the encouragement of Scripture in order to have the endurance needed to place our hope in God's promises. God's plan has always been for those who believe in him to demonstrate outwardly what is true about them inwardly. The world is going to judge the validity of Christianity by what they observe in the behavior of Christians.

Learning to Meditate

James Rochford
Psalms 1:1-6

Psalm 1 draws a contrast between the "blessed" and the "wicked." The blessed person is the one who delights in God's Word, which brings happiness, stability, and guidance. To experience this blessing, we must learn to meditate regularly on scripture.

Living Hope

Ben Foust
1 Peter 1:1-12

Peter writes to Christians scattered throughout the Roman empire and facing persecution. He urges them to put their hope in their future eternal inheritance. Christians today should have a mindset of being "resident aliens" on earth, whose true citizenship is in heaven, resulting in a refined faith.