Behold, Your King

Scott Risley
Psalms 22:14-18

Death by crucifixion is brutal and bloody, and Jesus' death on the cross was no exception. However, Jesus' death was not merely an execution but rather God's plan for the salvation of mankind, and his death simultaneously fulfilled Old Testament prophecy and satisfied God's wrath. Through his sacrifice, we are able have our moral debt paid in full and to experience a personal relationship with God.

The God of the Bible

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 1:1-20

God communicates through John to write to the seven churches in Asia about their new standing in Christ and how they can anticipate His return. John's vision of Christ's deity and a closer look at the elements in the vision reveal Christ's power and motivations as the perfect sacrifice and ultimate master of death.

Hope and the End of Human History (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 5:1-8

According to the Bible, Christ will return to bring with him both the blessings of salvation and accountability for human sin. The signs that will precede this include a receding spiritual climate, a man of lawlessness opposed to Christ, and an increase in war. Living with this end in mind means maintaining an active and informed faith, pursuing love that stands out from our culture, and holding on to hope for this future transformation.

God's Judgment

Mike Sullivan
Obadiah 1:1-21

Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament and is considered among the minor prophets of scripture. The primary focus of this letter is to warn of God's coming judgment on the city of Edom. The city of Edom was arrogant and prideful before God and endures judgment from God. These similar attitudes can still creep up in the lives of Christians today, and have similarly damaging affects on our relationship with God. God's ultimately judgment towards people's sin has been taken care through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

The Woman Caught in Adultery

Scott Risley
John 7:43-8:11

The Pharisees bring a woman they caught in adultery before Jesus. They attempt to trap Jesus into picking sides between the sinners or the Pharisees. Instead of falling into their trap, Jesus asks a question that silences them. Jesus wants people to be free from sin, experience forgiveness and wants to be the one to pay for all sin.

I am the Light of the World

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 4:17-19

As Jesus is speaking to a crowd of people the Pharisees begin to challenge him. Through this interaction, we are shown the difference between the light (Jesus) and the darkness (life without God). The Pharisees reveal their thinking does not reflect the truth of God. Jesus gives a warning to the crowd that they will die in their sins, apart from God, unless they believe in Him.

Who Does God Think He Is?

Ryan Lowery
Luke 20:9-19

Many fail to see how God could have the right to judge. To answer these objections, Jesus tells a parable about a vineyard to illustrate God's perspective on the human condition. God is the creator of all things, and has given us the purpose of love. Though God has sent ambassadors, including His own son, we have killed them. While God has the right to destroy us, He has extended us an offer of merciful forgiveness. We should acknowledge God's right to lead us, proclaim the truth boldly like Christ, and remember that we are God's adopted children.

God Is A Patient Judge

Ryan Lowery
Luke 12:35-13:9

God's judgment is often misunderstood and misinterpreted. The pattern across the Bible is that God does judge, but only after giving tons of warnings. The Biblical explanation for why bad things happen to "good" people lies in three principles: 1) there are no good people; 2) we are subject to the choices of others; and 3) the world itself is broken. God gives everyone the opportunity to be exempt from His judgment through the free gift of salvation.

The Rise of False Teachers

Scott Risley
2 Peter 2:1-22

False teachers, claiming to be Christians, have infiltrated the churches Peter is writing to. Peter attacks these false teachers and argues that God will judge them and gives examples of how God has judged in the past. In the mean time, we need to be able to recognize false teachers to safeguard ourselves against them.