Spiritual Breakdown

Dennis McCallum
Isaiah 28:21

Elijah faces hostilities from Jezebel after the victory over the followers of Baal. He retreats into the wilderness where God sustains him and leads him to a mountain where He reveals His plan for Elijah and the remaining followers of Baal. Even in the end, God extends His grace for those who never worshiped Baal and promises to save them from what is coming.

God vs. Baal

Dennis McCallum
1 Kings 18:1-46

Elijah challenges the Baal prophets to demonstrate the power of their deity versus the living God. While the Baal prophets struggle and wail to provoke their deity to action, Elijah prays relationally with God. Elijah acknowledged His will and calls on Him to demonstrate His power to the people of Isreal. We can learn from this that we can not provoke God to act like the Baal prophets tried to with their deity.

The Rise of Solomon

Scott Risley
1 Kings 1-4

King David is dying. Seeing an opportunity for power, his son, Adonijah vies for the crown of Israel, but God has another candidate in mind. Solomon, a man born of adultery and murder, is appointed by God and effortlessly seizes the throne.

Solomon Rising

Dennis McCallum
1 Kings 1:1-3:28

God places Solomon on the throne to follow David after his death. God told Solomon he could ask for anything and Solomon asked for wisdom to lead his country. God gives Solomon riches and honor, on top of the wisdom he asked for, because of his choice. Solomon demonstrates this wisdom in the act of the two mothers who came to him for judgment on who a child belongs to. After this incident, the people knew of his wisdom that came from God.

Jesus in the Old Testament (Part 5)

Gary DeLashmutt
John 7:37-39

God uses Moses to deliver the Israelites from Pharaoh and to guide them to the Promised Land. While wandering in the wilderness, God provides for their needs and quenches their thirst. Moses strikes the rock with his staff which produces an abundance of flowing water. This is a foreshadowing of Jesus being stricken and quenching humanities' thirst. It also points to Jesus providing everlasting life. Jesus is God's provision to meet humanities' greatest need and he continues to be our provision as we continue to entrust our lives to him.\r\n

General Revelation (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Romans 1:18-20

Despite the existence of an all-powerful, all-good God, evil still exists in this world. Every worldview has to account for the problem of evil; it is not only a problem for Christians. Looking at atheism, pantheism, animism, and biblical theism, we see that only biblical theism has an answer.

Gospel and Postmodern Culture (Part 3)

Jim Leffel
Hosea 2:5-14:4

Part three of a four-part series connecting the gospel to our culture. God wants us to dialogue with people about the truth and be able to defend our faith in a loving and compelling way. Many people are turned off to Christianity because they think a loving God will not judge people or they wonder how God can judge both a little old lady and Hitler. Satisfying responses are given along with a look at the loving heart of God revealed in the book of Hosea.\r\n

When God Judges

Dennis McCallum
Amos 1:2-8

Amos was a prophet who spoke about God's judgment to the Assyrians. The sins of these people and this judgment is a reminder of how there must be justice from God in order Him to be good. The argument for justice needing to be served is then turned back onto the audience, who has to learn that they are just as sinful. This would hopefully lead to a lack of self-righteousness, an appreciation of grace, an eagerness to share grace, a sensitizing towards sin, and a freedom from vengeance.

The Ten Plagues

Lee Campbell
Exodus 7:2-6

God causes 10 plagues against the Egyptians that directly correlate with the Egyptian gods. Many view the plagues as disturbing due to the judgement on the Egyptians. However, God rescues the oppressed in order to show His character through this situation. Additionally, God persuades the oppressor to show that He alone is God. In the hardship that people face, it might require patient enduring until God finishes His persuading of the oppressor. God will ultimately stop the oppression because He is just.