Scraps from the Master's Table

Jim Leffel
Mark 7:24-30

Through Jesus' interaction with a Gentile woman from Tyre it is clear the issue with humanity is a matter of the heart. Although the woman is non-Jewish and from a nation that is hostile to Jews she approaches Jesus with humility and faith. The Pharisees and disciples respond with judgment rather than love. Having the heart of God requires having God's perspective that He sent Jesus to save all humanity and no one is better than anyone else.\r\n

Giving Up Our Rights for Others

Dennis McCallum
2 Thessalonians 3:7-9

Paul made a point to not let any non-moral cultural barriers affect his preaching of the gospel. Paul took strong stands on truth and religion, but he would learn and practice different cultures' dress, art, poetry, and music.

Righteous vs. Unrighteous Judgment

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 5:14

We lack the ability to judge ourselves from an objective point of view, however God can judge us objectively. We should let God be the ultimate judge of our lives. In clear issues of moral failure we are called to discipline other believers in love.

Finishing the Course

Jim Leffel
Acts 20:24

As Paul's life comes to a close, he reflects on his past, present, and future in his last letter to Timothy. \r\nPaul's past demonstrated faithfulness to what God entrusted to him, and in the present Paul continued to live a life characterized by sacrifice for God. Lastly, Paul looked forward to the crown of righteousness that God promised him in eternity. All of these reflections enabled Paul to fulfill his ministry, and modern Christians can likewise have the same hope and motivation to be faithful to Christ in their own lives.

Accountability and Stewardship

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 25:14-30

In the parallel accounts of Matthew and Luke, Jesus tells the parable of three servants who were entrusted with money while their master was away. He teaches the principle of stewardship, that we do not own what we have been given. We will be held accountable to God at the end of our lives for what we chose to do with the things given to us. Two servants act wisely and make smart investments for the master with the stewarded money while the third servant buries it in the ground and receives the master's wrath for being irresponsible and lazy. With the stewardship God has given to us, we have the opportunity to achieve something lasting with our lives that will affect eternity.

Sermon on the Plain (Part 3): Judging Others

Dennis McCallum
Luke 6

Jesus shows the distinction between unrighteous judgment and needed discernment and judgment. Discerning judgment is based on moral right and wrong from God's Word and is centered around truth and falsehood. On the other hand, unrighteous judgment concerns itself with judging others' motives and condemning others. When we humbly focus on our own personal character growth with God instead of focusing on others failings, God is able to help us avoid self-righteous judgment and look to help others to grow with God.

The Sin of Self-Righteousness

Dennis McCallum
Luke 18:9-14

The religious paradox is that people who believe they are righteous commit wrongdoing when they pass judgment on others who do not meet their standards. In this way, religious self-righteousness is sinful and self-contradictory. Paul addresses the problems of the religious mindset that had permeated Judaism in Rome.

God and the Problem of Evil

Dennis McCallum
Romans 1:21-28

The problem of evil in the world requires an answer. Biblical theism differs from other worldviews in that it offers both acknowledgement of evil and assurance of future justice. The Biblical view is that evil was chosen by personal beings who had the free will to make that choice but now stand under the judgment of God as a result. In His love, however, God chose to offer a way for every person to be justified before Him despite sin and evil.\r\n

Focusing on Eternal Things

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 4:17-5:11

Paul describes the difference between the "earthly tent" and the "building of God". These are descriptions of us currently living in these imperfect bodies who long for the eternal experience of life with God in heaven. The building of God is much stronger and built for eternal existence. We have a taste of what life will be like with God through His seal of the Holy Spirit but even this is just a hint of the intimate relationship with God that is to come when we meet Him face to face.