Faith that Works

Gary DeLashmutt
James 2:14-26

It can seem like Paul and James are in conflict over what is genuine faith. Is it by faith or works? In reality, they are teaching two different lessons about genuine faith. Paul teaches that one is accepted by God in His sight by faith in Jesus' work for you, not your work for God. James is teaching people will only know you have been accepted by God by your actions that demonstrate your faith in God.

The Beneficial Results of Justification

Ben Foust
Romans 5:1-11

When we ask God to forgive our sins because of the work Jesus did on the cross, we are justified by faith. If the forgiveness of our sins was all we received at that moment, it would be more than enough! But justification is only the beginning of the many blessings God pours out upon us. He get peace with God, not just an end to hostility, but true reconciliation. We get the hope of future glory and so much more!

What Has Abraham Found

Ben Foust
Romans 4:1-22

Paul raises the example of Abraham as he makes his case for justification through grace alone, not through the law. Paul shows that even righteous Abraham was only able to stand before God on the basis of faith, with God crediting it to hi as a gift, not an earned wage. While God offers this gift to all of us, we have to receive the gift by asking God for it.

The Justifier

Ben Foust
Romans 3:10-31

In Romans 3 Paul argues that no person can claim righteousness before God--that even one sin renders them "guilty," and in fact, sin permeates people's lives. Paul says though you can be declared innocent or "justified" before God, not by being good enough, but by appropriating Jesus' payment for those sins--justification based on Jesus' righteousness, not our own. This approach gives us a way to constructively deal with our true guilt, not trying to deny the guilt or fix the guilt.

The Bad News

Ben Foust
Romans 1:18-25

Paul shares the bad news--that no man is good enough to earn his way to approval and acceptance by God, who is perfect--even one sin disqualifies you from heaven and qualifies you for eternal judgment. This is in keeping with Him being a just God. While this is bad news, understanding and accepting it leads us to God's good news, that He has made a way for us to have these sins covered and paid for, through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

What Jesus Accomplished through His Death on the Cross-Pt1

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:13-14

Early in Christianity, false teachers rose up to say Jesus's death on the cross was not spiritually significant. But the Bible is emphatic that Jesus' death on the cross was a very significant. It accomplished what no man could do. It demonstrated why we need forgiveness. It displayed how God provided forgiveness. And it showed the amazing extent of God's forgiveness.

With Christ:Past,Present,Future

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:1-4

Just as nothing can change the details of our past, neither can anything change the fact of our justification if we are in Christ. If we are in Christ, it is a fact that we are raised and seat with Him. Now, our life is completely identified with Christ's life. What is true off Jesus is true of us. And finally, when Jesus is revealed in glory, so will we. Knowing all these things are true, we are to keep our eyes focused on Christ and the things above.

God's Good Work in Us

Conrad Hilario
Philippians 1:3-11

God's good work in us begins at the moment of salvation, continues throughout our walk with the Lord and is completed at our glorification when we meet Jesus face to face. It is a gradual process that doesn't look the same as or go at the same pace as everyone else. God wants to grow our ability to love others but also to transform our thinking to expand out knowledge and understanding. God does not dichotomize love and truth. Truth without love is nothing.

God's Good Work

Scott Risley
Philippians 1:3-11

Although Paul is in Rome under house arrest, chained to Roman guards, he is overjoyed at the good work God is doing in the lives of his friends in Philippi. He knows that the good work that God began in them at the moment of their justification, he will complete it until the day of their glorification, and even so, during their sanctification in the mean time. This is a work God does, not us by our fleshly effort. The question is whether we will cooperate with him in this ongoing work.