The Last Supper

Dennis McCallum
Mark 14:12-25

Jesus' last Passover dinner with his disciples tied the Old Testament types together with his work on the cross. As the Passover lamb was offered in the temple, the Lamb of God hung on the cross causing God to pass over our judgment.

Faith That Works

Scott Risley
James 2:14-26

In this challenging passage, James urges the church to have a faith that is accompanied by good works. Contrary to some interpretations, a close reading of the passage and other related scripture shows that James is not talking about earning salvation through works, but rather that genuine faith should lead to good works so that others may see our faith.

How to Be Justified

Dennis McCallum
James 2:14-26

Real faith is different from pseudo-faith. Mental assent is not enough. Even the demons believe there is one God. It is necessary to place your trust in God. That is biblical faith.\r\n\r\nJames uses the word 'justification' in a different context that Paul does. Justification before God is faith apart from works just as Paul taught. Justification before people as James taught, is different because people can't see into the heart as God can. Godly deeds justify believers to a watching world.

Peace with God

Jim Leffel
Romans 5:1-11

The desire for a sense of peace--a sense of inner harmony--is common to man, yet is elusive, particularly to people in our modern culture. People cannot say why they matter or what makes them significant--questions that must be answered to have inner peace. God offers people a way to peace through the justice and forgiveness offered through Jesus' substitutionary death on the cross, opening the door to them enjoying eternal security and significance, and a warm, personal relationship with God.

Law School

Dennis McCallum
Romans 7:1-24

God's law was given in the Old Testament. For centuries, people have been confused by the role God's law plays in the life of the believer. This teaching looks at the role of the God's law.

The Unthinkable Solution to the Human Condition

James Rochford
Romans 3:1-31

Paul describes humanity's problem--that we are hopelessly guilty before God because of our sin. Then he outlines God's unthinkable solution, to offer Jesus as a sacrificial substitute in our place so that we could freely be made right before God.

Our Problem, God's Solution

Scott Risley
Romans 3:9-30

Paul explains humanity's problem with God--that all have fallen short of God's perfect standard and deserve judgment. Now he transitions to explaining God's solution to our problem: forgiveness through faith in Jesus' sacrifice for our sins. When we place our trust in Christ we are freely forgiven and can enjoy humble unity with one another.

A Crucial Juncture

Conrad Hilario
Romans 3:23

The Jerusalem Council is used as a springboard to contrast Grace with being under the Law.

The Pharisee, the Tax Collector, and the Children

Dennis McCallum
Luke 18:9-17

Jesus confronts the Pharisees' self-righteous attitude with a parable of a tax collector and a Pharisee who went to the temple to pray. Jesus condemns the prideful Pharisee who boasted to God about his own good works and praises the humble tax collector who begged God for mercy. Then Jesus explains to His disciples that people must receive the kingdom of God like a child to enter it. God wants us to approach Him in childlike humility and to reject the Pharisees' comparative and judgmental attitude.