The Lord's Prayer

Scott Risley
John 17:1-26

As Jesus meets with His disciples for the final time before facing the cross, He prays His longest prayer.  He prays for Himself, for the disciples and for future generations of followers of Jesus.

Overcoming a Hostile World

Scott Risley
John 15:18-16:33

As Jesus approaches His death on the cross, He gives some final encouragement to His disciples.  He warns them that after He leaves this world, the world will treat them the same hostile way it treat Jesus.  He promises them after a period of sorrow, they will experience wonderful joy that no one can take away from them.

Not of the World

Chris Risley
John 15:18-16:33

Chris Risley teaches about common temptations and traps within the world system. As parents, we need to recognize these temptations within ourselves and our children. 

Being In the World But Not of It

Conrad Hilario
John 15:18-20

Jesus teaches that since the world rejected Him, followers of Him must expect the same treatment.  We must not get distracted by cravings for the things of this world.  We must reject the temptations Satan offers and instead choose to be in the world but not of it.

Christians and Government

Ben Foust
Romans 13:1-7

In the midst of a tumultuous political environment, Paul commands the Roman Christians to obey their government.

Give Us a King

Dennis McCallum
1 Samuel 8-10

The time of the Judges is ending and the people clamor for a king like the other nations. Although God knows this will end badly for the Israelites, He agrees to their demand because He has a better king in mind for the future.

Who You Really Are

1 Samuel 8-10

It's easy for people to view their mental health diagnoses or traumatic histories as their identity. This session explores biblical identity and its power for lasting change.

Eagerly Waiting for the King

Ryan Lowery
Philippians 3:18-21

While still on Earth, Christians should view their identity as that of an ex-patriot--living in a foreign land, with our citizenship in heaven. This teaching goes through aspects of our thinking that should be controlled by our identity, instead of worldly perspectives. This will translate into a loving, serving lifestyle that stands firm on the word of God.

The Psychological Self

James Rochford
Philippians 3:18-21